Can you be an animal lover and still eat meat..

Well answer this....................

What is the difference if I kill a cow for its meat or kill a plant for its fruit....

They are both living creatures!:hump:

sounds like you answered it already..... the difference is, that they are both LIVING creatures.... wait aminute.. that is not a difference .. it is a simularity...

Hmm... what is the differenc between killing a cow and killing a plant.... I am not sure.. what do you suppose the difference is?

i've never heard a cow scream either for that matter...
GK, you're right, if the definition of love is relevant then we need to decide unequivocally what the question is, but I would suggest that if we want to debate the definitions of abstract nouns we start another forum entirely! My impression was that the issue at hand is that of animal rights, humanity, hypocrisy, and dietary habits
I love cows, I REALLY love cows.....usually a mid-rare cow will do just fine for me..and when your done butchering the cow that I love SOOOO much, if they could whip me up a new pair of shoes or a couple of leather jackets or a new seat cover for my truck I would really appreciate it!!! Look at all the woderful things just the cow has to offer:

Boneless Chuck Fillet
Boneless Chuck Roll
Chuck Tender
Scotch Tender
Boneless Chuck Slices
Boneless Chuck Fillet Steak
Flatiron Roast
Top Chuck Roast
Blade Roast
Chuck Roast First Cut
Lifter Roast
Triangle Roast
Top Boneless Chuck Steak
Blade Steak
Petite Steak
Lifter Steak
Book Steak
Butler Steak
Medallion Pot Roast
Fish Muscle
Fillet Roast
Fish Steak
Chuck Fillet Steak
Chuck Tender Steak
Bottom Chuck Roast
California Roast
Inside Chuck Roast
Boneless Roast Bottom Chuck
Center Cut Pot Roast
Chuck Roast Center Cut
Arm Pot Roast
Arm Chuck Roast
Round Bone Pot Roast
Boston Cut
English Cut
Bread and Butter Cut
Shoulder Clod
Delmonico Steak
Beauty Steak
Market Steak
Spencer Steak
Entrecôte (The French name for a rib-eye or rib steak cut from ribs 9 to 11.)
New York Strip Roast
Shell Roast
Strip Loin Roast
Strip Loin Steak
New York Strip Steak
Kansas City Steak
Ambassador Steak
Boneless Club Steak
Hotel Style Steak
Veiny Steak
Club Steak
Chip Club Steak
Country Club Steak
Delmonico Steak
Shell Steak
Strip Loin Steak
Whole Filet
Filet Mignon Roast
Tenderloin Tip Roast
Outside Skirt Steak
Inside Skirt Steak
Philadelphia Steak
Hanging Tenderloin
Hanging Tender
Butcher's Steak
London Broil
Jiffy Steak
Flank Steak Fillet

Its all those innocent vegetables that I have such a hard time with....
If i kill 7 bannanas a day...does that make me a killer? meat is good....what else is there to know?
I love cows, I REALLY love cows.....usually a mid-rare cow will do just fine for me..and when your done butchering the cow that I love SOOOO much, if they could whip me up a new pair of shoes or a couple of leather jackets or a new seat cover for my truck I would really appreciate it!!! Look at all the woderful things just the cow has to offer:

Boneless Chuck Fillet
Boneless Chuck Roll
Chuck Tender
Scotch Tender
Boneless Chuck Slices
Boneless Chuck Fillet Steak
Flatiron Roast
Top Chuck Roast
Blade Roast
Chuck Roast First Cut
Lifter Roast
Triangle Roast
Top Boneless Chuck Steak
Blade Steak
Petite Steak
Lifter Steak
Book Steak
Butler Steak
Medallion Pot Roast
Fish Muscle
Fillet Roast
Fish Steak
Chuck Fillet Steak
Chuck Tender Steak
Bottom Chuck Roast
California Roast
Inside Chuck Roast
Boneless Roast Bottom Chuck
Center Cut Pot Roast
Chuck Roast Center Cut
Arm Pot Roast
Arm Chuck Roast
Round Bone Pot Roast
Boston Cut
English Cut
Bread and Butter Cut
Shoulder Clod
Delmonico Steak
Beauty Steak
Market Steak
Spencer Steak
Entrecôte (The French name for a rib-eye or rib steak cut from ribs 9 to 11.)
New York Strip Roast
Shell Roast
Strip Loin Roast
Strip Loin Steak
New York Strip Steak
Kansas City Steak
Ambassador Steak
Boneless Club Steak
Hotel Style Steak
Veiny Steak
Club Steak
Chip Club Steak
Country Club Steak
Delmonico Steak
Shell Steak
Strip Loin Steak
Whole Filet
Filet Mignon Roast
Tenderloin Tip Roast
Outside Skirt Steak
Inside Skirt Steak
Philadelphia Steak
Hanging Tenderloin
Hanging Tender
Butcher's Steak
London Broil
Jiffy Steak
Flank Steak Fillet

Its all those innocent vegetables that I have such a hard time with....
im geting that job on the farm,,,,fucking,,,,give me that t bone,,,,,,,,,,:mrgreen:
If i kill 7 bannanas a day...does that make me a killer? the answeris inside of you..young skywalker meat is good meat??? you mean dead animals??....what else is there to knowit sounds as if you have shut the door and thrown away the key.... it is much easier shutting the door than opening it young skywalker?

a man can loose his car keys and goes crazy looking around for them...

he looses himself and never notices.....

can you STOP for 10 minutes and watch your breath..? How come you can't do that?

i think the killing is the best part of the worst parts(if that makes sense), but the amount of meat we consume without sharing with the starving people of the world is just morally wrong.
the 10 min thng andbreath watching,its way over my head,or am i just stoned,yes i am stoned,but its still over y head.i love animals,but ill hunt one in a heartbeat if im hungry....
a ma canloose his car keys and goes crazy looking around for them...

he looses himself and never notices.....

can you STOP for 10 minutes and watch your breath..? How come you can't do that?


i just did 15 mins of complete breath watchin. i saw every cloud of smoke that poured from my numb face. thanx that was really good advice:joint: