Can you be an animal lover and still eat meat..

I love animals ....when theyre cooked right.:mrgreen:

My question is : Can you love trees and still live in a house ?:blsmoke:
There is no Ethical way to not have something die for you to live. There are living things in every fruit, vegetable and herbatious weed in the world. Does that mean that I don't love marijuana because I have to kill it to enjoy it???

My friend, this line of ideology is foolish at best.

One would think that ultimately, scavengers are the most sanctimonious of us all. They sit around and wait for things to die before they eat them...

I too, love cheeseburgers.
There is no Ethical way to not have something die for you to live.

interesting... there is no "ETHICAL way"

i appreciate that.. I am going to turn that around in my little brain for awhile...

I am not sure, exactly what ethical means...

I do not like to argue my limitations or anybody elses for tha matter... so to start a sentence, with "thee is no way" seems a bit counter productive to me.. But I really like the thought

Well I dont know GK, I love anymals, I really do but here are a couple of exampels you will have to clerify for me, they are all 1st hand experience 1) I was sitting in the woods , bout 5 pm when all was quiet, the sun was going down and the air was clear and krisp, I was watching 2 yung dows forridging in the brush, have you ever watched one? They are troully built for speed , the muscular bodies remind me of the 70's sting ray corvettes, toned and curvy, theyr delicate ears mouved from time to time and they would frequently smell the air (they must have senced my presence but they werent alarmed cos I was downwind and the smell was familiar since I have fed them the previous winter) Suddenly the noise of leafs and breaking twigs got my attention, my heart beat sped up and despite the addrenolin I tryed to control my breath...This was it, sure enough a huge 5 point buck came up the ridge he was in the rutt and determined to get some...He was gorgeous, thhere is something about the mail of the species that reaks of royalty, massive shoulderblades revield a wide white chest thats just happened to mouve in front of the iron sights of my 30-06...I touched one of and he leaped, It must have been a 20 yard jump, I knew that I got him by the way he landed, he was delicious (a little rounchy but his meat was deffinitely an afrodisiak)2) weeks later I was on the way home from work when I came up on the sceene of an accident, an suv hit a young doe, and the anymal layed in the middle of the road , brains splattered all over the hood, the caurcaus wasnt too damaged so I took her home, gutted and butchered her and ate her, (she was tender cos it was one of the does I fed behind my house).Finally, this farmer I know had theese 2 bulls, he raised them from calfs and he trouly loved them, he was always there for them feeding them and making sure they were happy till one day he killed and butchered them and it was the best stake that I have ever had...So you see , it is possible to love and eat the same anymal...
Can you be an animal lover and still eat meat..

NO fook NO.. stop kidding yourself.. IF you eat meat you don't love animals..

JUST accept it.. your a piece of shit striving to be better than the crap on the bottom of my shoe...

and being that you are a two faced scum bag that claims to love animals yet supports the mass genocide and inhumane slaughter of millions of chickens, pigs and cows with your almighty dollar... you have the option to change.... you can actaully wake up and slowly stop suporting this machine that FOOKING up your KARMA... laugh now... but it won't be so funny when your reborn a chicken.. LOL


BTW - i had a bacon cheeseburger today.. that shite was good...


but nothing is better than being honest with yourself..

KILLING is wrong.... no exceptions.. come to grips with this people.. and asking people to kill for YOU or your so called freedoms is just the same as killing yourself.. and everybody that is killed you will EVENTUALLY suffer that pain.. we will all endure that pain.. we are all ONE..


the love you describe is only reproduction love, killing is just as natural as loving, and its people like you so called PHILOSOPHERS that seperate and catagorize good and evil, stop thinking in dualities buddy.... ever watch the movie Natural Born Killers? that should give you a better idea of what im saying
I dont see why humans outlawed murder, that was our first step towards ruining this planet... i wish cannabilism was legal, then only the strong and alert would survive, kinda leaning somewhat towards darwinism
Well I dont know GK, I love anymals, I really do but here are a couple of exampels you will have to clerify for me, they are all 1st hand experience 1) I was sitting in the woods , bout 5 pm when all was quiet, the sun was going down and the air was clear and krisp, I was watching 2 yung dows forridging in the brush, have you ever watched one? They are troully built for speed , the muscular bodies remind me of the 70's sting ray corvettes, toned and curvy, theyr delicate ears mouved from time to time and they would frequently smell the air (they must have senced my presence but they werent alarmed cos I was downwind and the smell was familiar since I have fed them the previous winter) Suddenly the noise of leafs and breaking twigs got my attention, my heart beat sped up and despite the addrenolin I tryed to control my breath...This was it, sure enough a huge 5 point buck came up the ridge he was in the rutt and determined to get some...He was gorgeous, thhere is something about the mail of the species that reaks of royalty, massive shoulderblades revield a wide white chest thats just happened to mouve in front of the iron sights of my 30-06...I touched one of and he leaped, It must have been a 20 yard jump, I knew that I got him by the way he landed, he was delicious (a little rounchy but his meat was deffinitely an afrodisiak)2) weeks later I was on the way home from work when I came up on the sceene of an accident, an suv hit a young doe, and the anymal layed in the middle of the road , brains splattered all over the hood, the caurcaus wasnt too damaged so I took her home, gutted and butchered her and ate her, (she was tender cos it was one of the does I fed behind my house).Finally, this farmer I know had theese 2 bulls, he raised them from calfs and he trouly loved them, he was always there for them feeding them and making sure they were happy till one day he killed and butchered them and it was the best stake that I have ever had...So you see , it is possible to love and eat the same anymal...

wow.. great read... thank you for sharing your story in such detail YOu have experience that I do not have... and you know things that I do not know ..and it is you my friend that I have learned from...

thank you
the love you describe is only reproduction love, killing is just as natural as loving, and its people like you so called PHILOSOPHERS that seperate and catagorize good and evil, stop thinking in dualities buddy.... ever watch the movie Natural Born Killers? that should give you a better idea of what im saying

hmm... think I have been misunderstood
..... I do not even know what eveil is.. I have never seen eveil..nor experienced evil.. I have never even heard of evil.. there are many things I do not understand.. bt when I do not understand something,. I do not LABEL it... I just admit that I do not know..

and when I do CLAIM to know sometnig. I am also aware that I must truly be KIDDING myself.. LOL

The word NATURAL means notning to me.. everything is natural.. everything is god..

words like god and natural are invoked when people become to lazy to go deeper into the LOVE


if youre eating only plants youre still killing and this being a growing site you kill many plants each harvest. by your logic i could say that if you eat/smoke plants you have no love for plants but we all know this is not the case.

going vegetarian will not stop things from dying so that you may live. even if you eat only plants when they cut those crops down for harvesting many tens of thousands of animals and insects die and lose their homes. theres no way around it, things must die and when they die it gives life to other things. just as our own deaths will give rise to new life.

the best one can do is to keep form doing too much in excess. grow your own plants for food, raise some fish and chicken for eating. this way even though things die you are not killing more than is needed as you would if you buy your food from huge food companies that are killing our planet.

btw, i was raised as a buddhist.
if youre eating only plants youre still killing and this being a growing site you kill many plants each harvest. by your logic i could say that if you eat/smoke plants you have no love for plants but we all know this is not the case really ???.

going vegetarian will not stop things from dying so that you may live. even if you eat only plants when they cut those crops down for harvesting many tens of thousands of animals and insects die and lose their homesi agree... it does seem that way more animals die and produce way less food compared to what PLANTS produce with less death and less pollution to the planet... and are we really something seperate from the planet?. theres no way around it, things must die and when they die it gives life to other thingsis this true?. just as our own deaths will give rise to new lifevery nice....just as the thriving forrest is full of so much more death than life....

the best one can do is to keep form doing too much in excess. grow your own plants for food, raise some fish and chicken for eating. this way even though things die you are not killing more than is needed as you would if you buy your food from huge food companies that are killing our planetbeautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iloveyou.

btw, i was raised as a buddhist.

i really enjoyed reading your post!

Blind Melon Chittlin-

"Throw one leg over my Shoulder"
the other leg over my shoulder"
and mmm mmm mmm
My question is : Can you love trees and still live in a house ?:blsmoke:

My first response was, no not in a house you had built with virgin lumber. But then I thought about the farmers who raise their animals with love and make sure that their death is as humane as possible, and eat very little meat so as to not lose the intimacy of the sacrifice and gift of life...and I suppose that the love of the forest could be manifested as the love of a home that would provide shelter.

Build with earth and recycled lumber when possible! I visited an Earthbag house under construction in the desert yesterday.

So you see , it is possible to love and eat the same anymal...

This has to be extremely difficult...if you are not really hungry at least.

The answer is no. Watch this video:

Though it is strange that you joined and this is your first post...thank you. Like GK said in the first least know what you are participating in...if you can watch this and not feel something (besides hunger) there may be something wrong with you...I had the sound must have been horrible...I cried.

My daughter has been vegetarian for 10 months now, and I support that at home, but eat cheeseburgers on the weekends if she is is getting harder to justify. I am planting a garden and want some laying hens, but baby steps as I have no clue.

I think you can love animals and eat them...but the supermarket and the factory farm has removed us from the responsibility for our actions. the way animals are treated and slaughtered in some (most?) facilities is appalling.
