Can you get high by touching weed??? I feel it!!! :-/

I've eaten dry and raw cannabis buds. They can be quite spicy but I've never really felt anything more than a subtle buzz and I'm usually already high to begin with.
You're a freakin drama queen. Not even close to the same. And what I said was obviously a joke. But that's not a book to give to a kid unless you want them to blow their arm off, :lol:
Drama queen. Lol. Speaking of drama, weren’t you banned from another site for being a troll?

Maybe you should focus on growing healthy plants instead of making awful jokes and posting South Park and music video clips.
I've seen patches that you wear like nicotine patches. So, yes you can get high from skin contact. But the weed goes through a process that is done to make the patches. I don't know much about it but I'm sure Google does.
Most home growers are daily smokers and obviously step 1 of trimming is to smoke a most people simply don't notice how high they are when trimming. It also takes a few hours to feel the effect, and you have to be trimming without gloves obviously. It takes that long to build up enough resin on enough skin surface area and for your body to metabolize it, so if you do short sessions, you might not feel it either. I get profoundly stoned when I do epic 8+ hour trimming sessions.
I've seen patches that you wear like nicotine patches. So, yes you can get high from skin contact. But the weed goes through a process that is done to make the patches. I don't know much about it but I'm sure Google does.
Probably decarb so ya but totally diff than raw
I know yall talking humans here but my dog got into a couple grams or raw flower in which I weighed and was only missing about .5 and he was acting drunk! Like wobbly his pupils were dilated. It was mostly crumbled up on the ground like it was catnip or something. My guess was he kinda crumbled it up and snooted it with that over sensitive doggy snoot.

There was also the time he got into the garbage which had an oz of decarbed butter soaked flower in it. He spent the night at the vet for that one. He was cold to the touch and almost looked like he was having a seizure. Scared me to death…
He was still stoned the next day when I picked him up!
I know yall talking humans here but my dog got into a couple grams or raw flower in which I weighed and was only missing about .5 and he was acting drunk! Like wobbly his pupils were dilated. It was mostly crumbled up on the ground like it was catnip or something. My guess was he kinda crumbled it up and snooted it with that over sensitive doggy snoot.

There was also the time he got into the garbage which had an oz of decarbed butter soaked flower in it. He spent the night at the vet for that one. He was cold to the touch and almost looked like he was having a seizure. Scared me to death…
He was still stoned the next day when I picked him up!
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Glad hes good love a heeler.