Can you give a plant too much nitrogen

Can you give a plant too much nitrogen during flowering stage because my leaves are turning yellow fast with brown crispy tips curling up.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
yes it is quite common for a newb to do this. and then think the leaves are dying from "lack of food" and just end up killing the plant. but it does sound like too much N
Right my setup is grow tent 2.0 x 2.4 x 1.2

2 x 600w lights

6inch fan & filter

5 inch intake

2 oscalating fans

6 plants blueberry

Im 5 weeks into flower and i feed them vita-link A+B

Temps through day average 25 to 27 and when lights are off its around 20

Im 5 week in flower so i was told not to flush them and it was a lack of nitrogen. cheers


Active Member
yes, flush those puppies and give it something like a 2-8-4 (notice the low nitrogen)

you want higher nitrogen in Veg... little to none in flower...depending on your other soil additives.

That 10-19-9 from Vitalink seems like a little too much nitrogen for your girls...
I would check out Fox Farms nutrients if you have the $....

If you continue using vitalink... try weakening the dosage to .5 or even .25 because of the high nitrogen in it.
you could also supplement that with a 0-33-23 (like Humbolt nutrients) so your P&K levels could be focused on as they should in flower.....

but again....Fox Farms makes a product line that 'hits the nail on the head'... as with most flowering nutrients.... the N should be lower than 10 IMO...or you will experience burn and not get enough P&K to your ladies....
Can you tell me mate which fox farm products to actually buy ive only ever bought vita-link and grow shops will tell you anything as usual. cheers mate


Active Member
wow, your lady looks quite lovely!!

I would venture to say that this yellowing is fairly normal...
especially in the stage you are in.
The little nitrogen that the plant has should be rushing to the buds and that whole process...leaving the fan leaves desperate for nitrogen.

from what I've read on here, it's not a huge deal and fairly common.
but again...i am a take that into consideration too.

After flubbing around with nutrients for a while I finally gave in and got

Big Grow
Big Bloom
Tiger Bloom

from Fox Farms... it's good stuff... and I have a few additives that I use in place of their other nutrient suggestions.
If you buy it in a trio pack (available on amazon) it comes with a nutrient feeding schedule...(also available online...)

I also have a similar setup to yours...
I have a veg room with 400W MH
and flowering room with 600W HPS

happy growing!

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
your issue isn't to much N, it's nute burn. you gave them to manyy ppm's of nutes.It isn't at a point you should even worry about it. your almost done.
Don't go changing your nutes around, what you have is fine.

@ seerockcity, Don't get all butthurt and defensive, but you should not be trying to help people. Learn a lot more before you go around spouting nonsense.


Active Member
@Chuck - So whats wrong with my advice? by the way...all the 'nonsense' I learned was straight from this site...

I'll advice was a bit broad before he supplied pics....

but after that....I said...
"from what I've read on here, it's not a huge deal and fairly common"

I didnt go telling him to switch his nutes up mid stream... I was giving him an example of nutes that may better serve him next time... would have to take notice of the difference of advice before and after the pictures were shown....

dont get all butthurt...but you should stick to forum advice and less on lame attempts at insulting people


Active Member
@KR4X - +REP .....THANK YOU!! I dont mind if someone calls me out on giving bad advice... but hounding my posts saying my opinion isnt valid? What a child...


@Smokingbud1977 - I am sorry that your thread got turned into 'Chuck's newb bashing corner'.
I really love the look of your plant and think it's going to be epic for you!!
Those buds look fantastic!! and your plant shape is something I've always tried for, but hardly ever accomplish.
many apologies for disrupting your post.

How many times did you have to top it to get the shape you did?
Its ok mate i take any advice on board so no problem. I never topped it mate just let them grow and thats how they turned out.
Ive got another problem now tho its 31 degrees in my tent today i have a 6inch extractor and a 5 inch intake and its still too hot, any ideas on cooling it down mybe put another extractor in there around 5 inch not 6. What do you reckon. cheers mate.


Well-Known Member
It's too damn early in the morning to be fighting already. Newbs, don't take these postings too seriously. My advice, click on the poster profile read about them and then decide to take their advice or not. It's not rocket science. They are just plants and require very little to keep them alive. And you know what, you might kill a couple when you first start out. Get over it. It's part of the learning process. I gotta go drink another couple of coffee. Good Morning!


New Member
It's too damn early in the morning to be fighting already. Newbs, don't take these postings too seriously. My advice, click on the poster profile read about them and then decide to take their advice or not. It's not rocket science. They are just plants and require very little to keep them alive. And you know what, you might kill a couple when you first start out. Get over it. It's part of the learning process. I gotta go drink another couple of coffee. Good Morning!
ya chuck grow up!