Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

Of course there isn't a complete volunteer association without a prescribed authority, but that does not mean we should ruled by a centralized government, you are leaving local and state government out of the equation.
I'm willing to wager that Rob Roy is a Libertarian who believes in small government and is pro states rights, quite the opposite of londonfog's quest for a centralized European model.

dude, RR is canadian:lol:
According to the almighty BLS ( which never lies) the average company has 16.1 full time employees in the USA. 2(16*40)= $1280 additional expense per week, OR $66,560 a year additional expense. According to the IRS

Here is a chart to explain that among all industries, the average firm makes $100,436 per year. You don't think that deducting $66,560 from that $100,436 figure is going to cause any problems??? O RLY???


Wise up Hun.

2007? you couldn't find any newer info?
There ya go. Seems there is so much empirical data to PROVE this point that you may as well just pony up the $1,000 per hour to each employee. Not going to be a problem right?

why don't you come up with a solution rather than being sarcastic and facetious?
awww, do we have another crybaby upset with the BLS for compiling data? how dare they.

still waiting on example number one.

And everyone is still waiting on factual data.

This is the part where you respond the BLS is actual data, handed down by benevolence.......aaaaaaand GO.
It is math, and here is how I figure it. $1K per hr x 6 hrs per month = $6000 a month = Uncle Buck. You can make money the old fashion way, but there are other ways.

Sorry UB.
Math for demonstration purposes only. His numbers may vary. Don't use for amusement, but there is no risk. No animals were harmed in the making of this fiasco,

Capital Money shot.
So the argument is now "minimum wage jobs aren't there to support you"

Basically, a minimum wage job is not meant to support a basic lifestyle. If you wish to support yourself and all you can attain because of lack of opportunity, education, whatever, then you should be required to have at least 2 minimum wage jobs

Likely 4 hour shifts, 8-10 hours working, 0-2 hours commute, just to survive, not save, not pay debts off, not buy products or services and help build the economy. Just live with the basics.

How does this help the worker or the society in which he lives?
Hey Pad.

Would we both agree what we call "dollars" are borrowed into existence, and evidence of debt?

By "dollars" I mean the things that will be required to provide a living are planning on using Fed Notes correct?

Clarify a bit for me if you would.
I'm comfortable with individuals having the ability to associate with others on a consensual basis of all parties concerned. I'm not a fan of coercive governments since what they purport to "protect" people from is actually the first tactic they employ. Almost all governments rely on coercion and lies. That's not a good foundation to use to empower some people over others.

So when people on this forum assume you want no government, is that the case?
Hey Pad.

Would we both agree what we call "dollars" are borrowed into existence, and evidence of debt?

By "dollars" I mean the things that will be required to provide a living are planning on using Fed Notes correct?

Clarify a bit for me if you would.

By "borrowed into existence", are you referring to the fractional reserve system?

The fed creates money, that money is borrowed with interest, yes
By "borrowed into existence", are you referring to the fractional reserve system?

The fed creates money, that money is borrowed with interest, yes

Of course.
So do you really think its money that was borrowed not just currency?
I don't know how old you are and I had a hard time with this concept myself but "money" has to be able to pay a debt, discharging debt is another matter of fundamental flaw in logic and practice.
So when people on this forum assume you want no government, is that the case?

I am fine with governments wherein the participants have all consented to the arrangement. I am not fine with the archaic coercive government model. I believe the individual in order to be free, must be able to chose their associations, rather than be automatically enveloped in something that a few white men put together hundreds of years ago which alleges to bind others forever in order to protect their "freedom".

If you want more, you might try reading Lysander Spooner's most logical refutations of coercive government or you could simply apply logic. A core philosophy based in something called the non aggression principle is another thing you might want to review. Peace.
I am fine with governments wherein the participants have all consented to the arrangement. I am not fine with the archaic coercive government model. I believe the individual in order to be free, must be able to chose their associations, rather than be automatically enveloped in something that a few white men put together hundreds of years ago which alleges to bind others forever in order to protect their "freedom".

If you want more, you might try reading Lysander Spooner's most logical refutations of coercive government or you could simply apply logic. A core philosophy based in something called the non aggression principle is another thing you might want to review. Peace.

Or better still - He is amazing. Funny as hell too, easy to read. Recommend you read in private as the laughter outbursts can be embarrassing.
Voluntary donations are logical and follow the actual meaning of the word "donation". Involuntary "donations" , are oxymoronic, thus in full government compliance as they have a large helping of dissonance, hypocrisy and coercion.

....and tyranny. Can you say OBAMA? I knew you could. ;)
There is no such thing as strictly voluntary, when money is involved. You can be forced in, out, or dead.
I donate to charity. It is voluntary. By coercion and under threat of duress I must give to Obama who then gives to others and takes the credit for his "kindness and compassion".

Makes me sick.

And speaking of duress, about 8 months ago I was sent an extremely sensitive and involving 25 page survey demanding I reveal my personal and farm characteristics, and assets amongst other stuff, by the USDA guised in the form of "USDA Census of Agriculture." They asked questions I wouldn't even divulge answers to my doctor or a priest in the complete privacy of their domain. I refused, got 4 of them each one threatening me in red to comply on the front of the envelope -

Overdue: Return within 10 days

"Your voice, your future, your responsibility".

Got threatened with fines. I never complied. Last week got another such survey by the Feds. 2nd one received a few days ago with another threat.

Time to say "fuck you" to these people.
There is no such thing as strictly voluntary, when money is involved. You can be forced in, out, or dead.

Of course there is such a thing as voluntary when people exchange "money" or other valuables for goods or services. It happens all the time, when there ISN'T an unwanted third party intervening.

Some examples of unwanted third party are thieves, muggers and coercive government types, but I repeat myself.