And raising the minimum wage does nothing, it just increases the floor (it's still the floor) and fucks the guys just above it.
Then there's the inflation argument, is it assisted by increases in the minimum wage? Iv seen no hard evidence statistically, but logically speaking if you increase the cost base for a business they put up prices to absorb it, this is a fact.
The lefties argument is ridiculous, as is the righties.
You can't increase the wealth of the lower segment of the population by ripping off the higher segment. However, you also cannot have corporations involved with Government as they muddy the whole system.
My solution? Free education from primary right up to higher education are what are needed.
Both sides are partially right and partially wrong, yes people need to pull themselves up "by the bootstraps" but with free education they are given an enviroment to do so.
But don't follow the mistakes of Europe, don't allow it to become an effective yet wasteful entity.
My 2c.
EDIT: Damn you dictionary, adding random words.