Can you Top and LST a plant?


Active Member
i myself dont understand why anyone would not want to lst. bying doing this we allow light to reach every inch of the plant and in return bigger harvest. yes the plant will right itself to the light and continue to grow up. and once it get tall enough to bend you can bend it again and allow that section more light. you can take those bottom shots that are now growing as tall as a plant by itsself and bend them the same way and allow that part more light. and so on and forth. and before oyu know a simple plant has now become a bush litterialy it will look like a bush. i like to continue bending in the first few weeks of flower. since your plant is going to double and sometimes triple in size when floweringkeep bending untill the major growth stops and then watch as you reap a bountiful harvest out of one plant. trust me you will find more ideas of how to train your plant as you go. weather it be a pole or pvc or wire and i find it less work than scroging a few plants. and more fun...its all about the fun isnt it


Active Member
i have read an article where it stated that you roll the stem of your plant in your fingures crushing the contective fibers of the plant. the viens so to speak and when it heals it will deliever more nutes kind of making a 2 way high a 4 lane. i personaly have never tried it except to tenderize my plant to make a bend it a tough stalk. guess its the same as cropping


I like to pinch my stems a little bit under the top buds. I have read that by doing this you make the viens bigger so they can push more nutes and repair the injury. After they repair the injury the viens stay big pushing more nutes up the branches. When I read this I had to try it. So I did with two clones side by side for a entire grow. When I started the pinching of the stem, by the bud sites on top, I saw a huge differance in the growth of the buds compared to the plant I did not pinch. I now do this every-time and it works. Just dont pinch the stem to hard. Just enough to feel it colapse a little. Also do not do it all over the plant all at one time. This could stress your plant too much. After I do this I also give the plant a dose of super-thrive. I find this too be very effective for reducing stress(superthrive). Go ahead I am sure some peole will attack this info. Remember I did a side by side with clones and saw the effectiveness fist hand. Now I do it all the time and it works. Dont believe me try it the same way.


Well-Known Member
Not exactly, but you have the right idea- when you bend it you want to allow for max light exposure, but when I said to lst the hell out of it I meant to do as much of it that the plant allows. I'll put it like this- if you are going to run a marathon, you have to train. You will start out slow at first, making sure not to hurt yourself. As you train further, you push yourself more than you did the last time, and with more frequency. It is a poor example, but these plants respond similarly to lsting. Go easy at first, and once the plant has recovered, give them some more.

I do need to correct what I said earlier- LSTing won't cause true tissue damage to the plant, so there shouldn't be too many bulges as I mentioned earlier. What I was thinking of was "supercropping"- or bending the stalk of the plant at a 90 degree angle, causing the stalk to pinch (think of bending a drinking straw). I had always mentally lumped these two together, and I am sorry for my confusion. Supercropping does cause some tissue damage, which will cause the stalk to bulge at the pinch, but the upside is the plant gets healthier and that translated to bigger buds.

Here is a pic I found of the bulge:
thats a pic of a super cropped branch


Also one more quick question :), there are two plants my friend has that I mentioned. DNA Rocklock, and Roadrunner automatic. Roadrunner Automatic needs 20/4 for optimal growth it says. So what should the light cycle be both of them?