What next? Save the Children I Should Think, as humans we must get our priorities in order. Kids come first with good people.
I think I'll give the thread a rest and might only check in to see if any good people need help or want to talk. I've stoped working on the water cooled lamp and think I'll either kill or give away the plants. A curious and unexpected thing happen over the last few days I've made considerable progress on my journey as a teacher and as a human being. I know that the desire to use cannabis has largely disappeared, but it is a great aid to training the mind for a person at my age and in apparently large doses do no harm at all it would appear, though it makes ya lazy, fur sure. Though that's just me, you might be different, and the younger you are the worst it is for the development of your potential. Not so much by "brain damage" I believe, but by affecting the large scale trajectory of neural development, this is conjecture on my part, but there is mounting evidence to support this claim. Look at the health alert posted on the first page, the one without any likes, to give a clue of the kinds of people who visit here too.
I guess it's time for some honesty, I'm a meditation teacher and have skills in working with the brain/mind in a modern scientific context with much drawn from Buddhism, the traditional way to end suffering and attain happiness. Recent scientific discoveries using brain scanners of several kinds, have revealed the underlying phenomena and has shown the best ways to attain quick results in happiness. It's really quite simple and I will explain, if you have a brain in yer head and a heart in your chest. For I have learned from a dreadful mistake that I'm in the process of correcting now on my journey to self improvement and happiness through the relief of suffering of others. These will be the most important words you will probably ever read, except news from a good friend. Our level of internal happiness depends on being part of a small community of humans who care about each other. There is no getting away from it, sure ya can act like an animal and feel pleasure, my cat likes his ears rubbed (cat kisses to them), but to be happy you must care deeply for each other, no way around it, assholes need not apply. I use this social/emotional dynamic in my work to help clients sculpt their through mental exercise and I work for free and would not consider taking money for that which was freely given to me. Such an act would be immoral and unethical, a selfish act driven by the instinctive emotional states like greed and not appropriate human behavior in communities of caring people.
Many of you have noticed how I have tried to foster a sense of community among my fellow growers, but none here now seem to be of much help, such people are unworthy of my attention. Humans behave differently when they are happy and at peace, than most of you folks and I'll tell ya why, most of you are driven by fear and greed, you're not good people and I can tell you exactly why, because I understand you better than you understand yourself. How am I a mind reader? Simple I love you unconditionally which is why I know you like your mommy and I hope she loved ya, but maybe not enough, which is why you are so fear and greed driven people. How is it possible you have not come together as other humans do into an effective community of mutual support and protection, with love and caring. The safety information above should have been a clue, seen much around the threads, except from good people who care about others? Getting an idea of how easily defeated fear and greed driven cowards are. The greedy behave logically, so I'll just work to gather a group of humans to deal with you like any other animal that threatens a community of humans. We will start slow, but will increase quickly. I will enlist good people in my cause who think for themselves and will be generally older in the near future, people with stable lifestyles and experienced parents. An ex police officer or some such person will PM me one day and I will convince a good person by logical argument and enlist them in our cause.
We will be focused around changing the culture around cannabis and remove the forces of greed, by putting the price through the floor. In order to get my help on a local level, you must be an older and socially responsible, who is joining a worthy cause for a modest profit. This will be done by older adults for the most part and will be save the children focused, but evidence dependent to a degree. But even if it is harmless in the long term, it is still psychologically harmful because of habituation processes. Those who are socially/emotionally retarded will suffer the most from these dependencies, but there's hope for sure, but it takes a bit of effort to better oneself, pot might even help if you're older, as long as you do mental exercise regularly. This counters social forces that got ya so fucked up in the first place and automatically increases your level of happiness spontaneously. If things work the way I figure there will be plenty of profit in pot for a bit, until we get a grip on yer arse, with a national movement for a good social cause. The government and corporations would have a difficult time, for in our system of justice, as in practice, intentions are important. Once law enforcement figures out what we're up too they might turn a blind eye, but this group of humans will be onto their provincial and federal politicians like flies on shit! In away the greed driven logical thinkers won't anticipate this because they are socially retarded. Probably never got this far in the rant!
You are going to war with a warrior monk, who loves you and wants to help you, but you are too blinded with greed to see, what has been laid before your very eyes. One of the mental phenomena I deal with on a regular basis is self delusion, a perfectly healthy thing too, when used correctly to relieve the stress of mortality. We all know we are going to die! It's just a matter of time, this plays havoc with the mind of a neurotic on a subconscious level and our ego narrows our perception of the world, filters and colors it too. This self delusion, a natural process that works to keep us going through life and deal with mortality issues. Like so many other mental qualities, stress has an effect on it's level and intensity. Humans create and foster communities and the lack is a sign that the people of the community are operating under delusion, driven by fear and greed. There is no other scientific explanation. Not a very moral argument I'm charging you with (as in debate), but based on evidence and truth. Humans cannot argue against protecting the children of a community, where would you start such an argument. Seriously say "fuck the kids" in any bar and somebody asks ya what ya mean and explain, what do you think would happen? Even a bunch of socially and emotionally retarded drunks are better than many of you and ya wonder why I love ya like kids (seriously).
I'll keep an eye an on the thread for good people popping up or someone suffering who needs help and PMs me. I don't really expect to hear much from the fear driven and greedy. I never do, cause bullshit always walks away from the truth and I expect this to be no different from the rest of the times in my teaching career, that I've seen it. My practice has been long, my skills depend completely on compassion and putting others needs first as does my own happiness. I had a night, not of the dark night of the soul, but one of enlightenment and my true purpose is in alignment with my beliefs. I realized I must have a locally based teaching practice and form a real community of humans who have better and improving emotional and social skills and will move on, I dare not stay, for egotism and selfish desire would soon consume me. I have no friends to help yet, but I'm not worried at all, cause I will find many on my path and if I keep to it, I will die with many good true friends and with smile on my face and not the slightest fear of my own selfless passing. Can you say the same?
I'm off to help far better people than you, recovering alcoholics, generally great decent folks who cared enough for themselves and others to try and become less fear and greed driven. AA is a very good and noble community of suffers, that cling to each other as a group, to try and make it one day at a time. They might be interested in someone with the skills and knowledge I posses. A community of humans, struggling with guilt, misery and fear, not to mention habituation from a lifetime of use. These are good people and I think I will join them in their suffering and struggle and help them to form a better internal emotional life and more effective community. This human will join their tribe and aid them in their struggle against suffering with all his heart and soul. There is no other way forward for me and the bridge has burned behind me and I am alone on the road with it's many dangers, but I will soon have many caring good people as friends at my next stop. I move on, I always do...