Canadian Stuff

Aviation is an expensive hobby, so I went with drones as a retirement hobby! Less technicalities and more thrills without risking yer pink little ass! One would do well to spend a lot of quality time with a good sim for a lot of things while learning all the things you need to know other than flying the plane, but they are useful for that too.
That’s where I started (SIM) and very helpful :). I lost a drone 2 weeks ago when it flew away never to be seen again lol.
That’s where I started (SIM) and very helpful :). I lost a drone 2 weeks ago when it flew away never to be seen again lol.
You can join the "war" online and have all the up sides and none of the down, like dying! :lol: There are virtual wars and air battles going on all the time online...

I just want to know how to remain impaired 28 days afterwards. Save me a ton on weed. (OK, negates that. But still.)

Just don't tell anyone you use pot. The only way the gov't would know you use is if you registered with Hellth Canaduh to legally grow medical pot and you wouldn't do something silly like that would you?

Do they piss test pilots before every flight these days? Or just if there's an 'incident'?

In the 15 years or so I was driving truck in the oil patch, but not employed by the oil companies directly, there was always the threat of a random test but I never got one nor had an incident serious enough to make them want to test me. I was mildly high every day and all day with little tokes in my pipe. Driving was such a mind-numbing job that is was best to be a little numb before you even turned a wheel.

The rig pigs would get tested for pot fairly often so they did crack instead. Much safer. :D

Just don't tell anyone you use pot. The only way the gov't would know you use is if you registered with Hellth Canaduh to legally grow medical pot and you wouldn't do something silly like that would you?

Do they piss test pilots before every flight these days? Or just if there's an 'incident'?

In the 15 years or so I was driving truck in the oil patch, but not employed by the oil companies directly, there was always the threat of a random test but I never got one nor had an incident serious enough to make them want to test me. I was mildly high every day and all day with little tokes in my pipe. Driving was such a mind-numbing job that is was best to be a little numb before you even turned a wheel.

The rig pigs would get tested for pot fairly often so they did crack instead. Much safer. :D

I have my medical and grow certificate, remember I live in a 'dry' province grow-wise.
The Canadian MAGA moron, notice how they match the positions of Trump and the magats, no funding for Ukraine for no real reason, going on halfcocked about terrorism at the border etc. We used to worry about imaginary Soviet influence on the left, but it seems the Tories have their noses buried in Putin's ass crack too. This will go over like a turd in the punch bowl with Ukrainian Canadians. Like Trump in America, he is leading in the polls, but don't expect life for working people to get any easier under the Tories, they serve the rich, not those who vote for them. He is not a full-blown fascist, but he sure sounds like one and is no real threat to Canadian liberal democracy, unlike so many other fascist types in America and elsewhere.

They say the people get the government the deserve and that applies to Canadians too. Many will cry, " I didn't think they would fuck me" after voting for them, suckers.

Are you wealthy? If you are not and vote for a Tory, only a sucker would vote for them because they serve the rich and lie to the public. Just look at the lies they told to the public in just the past few weeks, PeePee is lying as much as Trump FFS. They are just conning people with culture wars and exploiting their character flaws, just like the republicans in the states and they are now full-blown fascists. That's the problem with the modern right, is they tend to be corrupt and are drifting into fascism because their ideology of shoveling money to the rich is dead. Wealth imbalance is the problem, and the Tories will just make it worse.

Canada's national debt is 2.1 trillion CDN dollars and the US national debt is 33.7 trillion US and the US has a population 8 times larger than Canada's. The average American owes twice as much as the average Canadian and you want to be more like the Americans? BTW Trump doubled the US debt in 4 years. It's not economics and it's not even policy, its culture wars, isn't it?
Under that man, the national debt went from $19.9 tn to $27.8 tn. That’s not double; in fact it’s just shy of 3/2.

Under that man, the national debt went from $19.9 tn to $27.8 tn. That’s not double; in fact it’s just shy of 3/2.

He was in Dubya territory and between those two dummies they doubled it. Clinton paid it down and Obama didn't do much damage, it was the republicans who create a fiscal disaster every time they get into power and a democrat has to try and clean it up, like Obama. The republicans would impeach him for wearing the wrong color suit FFS and he was limited in what he could do. The contrast between what he could get away with compared to Trump is stark and reflects the nature of the electorate. It's even the same with Joe, the slightest misstep affects his support while Trump can try to overthrow the constitution and it isn't a problem at all for nearly half the country, he can do no wrong. Shit he can even kill hundreds of thousands of Americans with covid incompetence and it's simply forgotten. The richest country in the world with 5% of the population and 25% of the covid deaths at one point, Jesus Christ.
He was in Dubya territory and between those two dummies they doubled it. Clinton paid it down and Obama didn't do much damage, it was the republicans who create a fiscal disaster every time they get into power and a democrat has to try and clean it up, like Obama. The republicans would impeach him for wearing the wrong color suit FFS and he was limited in what he could do. The contrast between what he could get away with compared to Trump is stark and reflects the nature of the electorate. It's even the same with Joe, the slightest misstep affects his support while Trump can try to overthrow the constitution and it isn't a problem at all for nearly half the country, he can do no wrong. Shit he can even kill hundreds of thousands of Americans with covid incompetence and it's simply forgotten. The richest country in the world with 5% of the population and 25% of the covid deaths at one point, Jesus Christ.
When you bring numbers in discussion with the other leading brand, it’s best not to exaggerate. That merely gives grounds to dismiss everything you say. It’s unnecessary vulnerability.