Canadian Stuff

Ah yes, the good ole days, eh Rex?
The only stigma I attach to welfare recipients is anyone who cheats or makes a living off the system. I was on welfare with a new wife and baby, and know how stigma and bias feels, just to get that straight...
What do you mean by good ole days? If you mean the Pre-Justin era. Ya, I would considered them 'good ole days'. As we have never seen a quicker decline in Canada than with selfie-boy. I've only been voting for 42 years, though.
I remember being forced, exploited, child labour, sponsored by, and working to the benefit of the federal Conservative party, in 1979 and 1980. I wonder if I'm entitled to compensation for the torture of helping my old man put election signs up before hockey practice? At least I wasn't forced to go to church...good ole days indeed...LOL
The only stigma I attach to welfare recipients is anyone who cheats or makes a living off the system. I was on welfare with a new wife and baby, and know how stigma and bias feels, just to get that straight.

I’m glad the welfare system was there for you when you needed it.

I don’t pass any judgement on those who do whatever they can to help support their families in times of need. As someone who has benefited personally from the system, you would be better served preaching its virtues instead of whining about the infinitesimal percentage of people who abuse it.
Taxation is the cost of society, and is a given. Responsible taxation is what is at issue with our governments. Federal gov'ts provincial govts and municipal are all at issue these days. Our knee jerk reaction to every little whim from ANYONE other than a working family is appeased with billions of our dollars. Distributed willy-nilly and without proper oversight, tax distribution is feeding a selfish wasteful mindset.
Age of the crowd? doesn't mean shit, I assume everyone here is an adult, a voter, and a taxpayer. Why do you ask? Trudeau speaks for everyone and says he is saving Christmas so whatever LOL.
Most of the regulars I assume are middle aged or older? I'm more to the right than most on here and don't want the anonymous international cannabis surfer thinking all Canadians are left leaning.
Should we tax everything and expect the government to 'fend for us'?... There's one or 2 countries doing that right now.
How is our oversight worse that other governments? Probably more left leaning that you, or just more realistic. And I have handguns also. So maybe not the best lefty.
Age of the crowd? doesn't mean shit, I assume everyone here is an adult, a voter, and a taxpayer. Why do you ask?
I remember when single moms were stigmatized when they were on Gov't assistance, Now ya all are...and your (now 50+) parents are STILL paying your way...
The way you wrote that ^ made it sound like you thought it was to people with parents in their 50's, think that might be a little off.

Has JT made mistakes? Without a doubt there has been lots of mistakes, but the country is still better off from when he became PM.
I'm more to the right than most on here and don't want the anonymous international cannabis surfer thinking all Canadians are left leaning.
the country is still better off from when he became PM.
Well we officially have no established poverty line in Canada, so whatever the poll suggests is a change in their standards to fit a narrative... According to my personal SCIENCE and experience, Canada has never seen a decline so quick since 1929, but I wasn't alive then, so worst decline of happiness, personal freedom, opportunity, economic stall and largest household tax increase In my entire life. Canadians who could previously engage in political, religious, money, and sex talk are now so stifled or hated by a desperate seperated citizenry. Only social anarchists see a better Canada today IMO. Being happy or satisfied with this Govt's progress, is something ,I feel, is a very minority view. Conservative voters were very dissatisfied with the stalled outlook from Harper and we voted to trust a beginner with a nice smile, who formed a second gov't with the NDP in tow. Everyone on the left had a chance to see what great things (the most left ruling gov't ever) could accomplish socially, for the betterment of Canadian society...
It's time identity politics puts the identity of our Country before idealism.
My issue with politicians as a simple case in point. Ontario liberals just elected B. Crombie their leader. The press covering the leadership race reported on Crombies main focus. Beating Ford. Yeah, I think an honest hound dog would beat him right now, I'd be surprised if he ran next election....
SECOND PLACE politics is the realm of career politicians who have no vision except their own individual employment future. Just give us a chance to see your plan for us beyond DAY 1 of your rule. The race for next premier is cast, why play identity politics when ANY campaign which has the word 'transparent' will be favoured.
Give us your plan and force Ford to play the fear-mongering for votes? No, just another (almost pre-acclaimed) Leader (sic) wanting unspecified power, just to spend 4 years complaining about how bad it was BEFORE. Ontarians and Canadians deserve better leadership.
I'm not a fan of Ford, but Crombie is in a spot. If she has no policy, she may get a big surprise, as you can get conservative votes, but never our minds.
At least act like a leader, not whiner who wants to have power.
Welfare Fraud is a myth used to make people hate poor people
OVER the majority of welfare recipients do not commit welfare fraud, very few do.

the idea that people abuse it is so little you shouldnt be concerned or make that a standing point in any conversation.

it just shows you read into conservative republican hate and believe it

I’m glad the welfare system was there for you when you needed it.

I don’t pass any judgement on those who do whatever they can to help support their families in times of need. As someone who has benefited personally from the system, you would be better served preaching its virtues instead of whining about the infinitesimal percentage of people who abuse it.
Thank you for the kind words.
Of course our fantastic ancestors realized soon after industrialization, that we needed to have social services directed at the betterment of all society. Welfare is an integral part of a just society.
Welfare served me well, and I did not abuse the gift from society. It was very temporary and *knock wood* won't be used by my family ever again.
As for ''whatever they can", I support that within the laws of our country and additionally with respect to others property. I will never support approval of crime to 'support' anyone....
Welfare Fraud is a myth
majority of welfare recipients do not commit welfare fraud
conservative republican hate

not welfare bashing please...and how does this make sense?
What did I say wrong mate? The small percentage of cheaters are pretty easy to find or tweak the rules to eliminate them. We have a pretty good system here, and I believe the provincial download deal, where municipalities and the province switched up responsibility, has worked. There is always criminals, but our system does pretty good. The next few years sees some heavy pressure, and hopefully proper gov't oversight, will prevent collapse. I was referring to the attitude surrounding welfare use, not expounding 'hate' for it.
Thank you for the kind words.
Of course our fantastic ancestors realized soon after industrialization, that we needed to have social services directed at the betterment of all society. Welfare is an integral part of a just society.
Welfare served me well, and I did not abuse the gift from society. It was very temporary and *knock wood* won't be used by my family ever again.
As for ''whatever they can", I support that within the laws of our country and additionally with respect to others property. I will never support approval of crime to 'support' anyone....
On that Rex, I agree with you
Well we officially have no established poverty line in Canada, so whatever the poll suggests is a change in their standards to fit a narrative... According to my personal SCIENCE and experience, Canada has never seen a decline so quick since 1929, but I wasn't alive then, so worst decline of happiness, personal freedom, opportunity, economic stall and largest household tax increase In my entire life. Canadians who could previously engage in political, religious, money, and sex talk are now so stifled or hated by a desperate seperated citizenry. Only social anarchists see a better Canada today IMO. Being happy or satisfied with this Govt's progress, is something ,I feel, is a very minority view. Conservative voters were very dissatisfied with the stalled outlook from Harper and we voted to trust a beginner with a nice smile, who formed a second gov't with the NDP in tow. Everyone on the left had a chance to see what great things (the most left ruling gov't ever) could accomplish socially, for the betterment of Canadian society...
It's time identity politics puts the identity of our Country before idealism.
Uhmm, the chart I posted is from Statistics Canada, which is the federal government; and it is literally "Canada's Official Poverty Line". It is based on specific costs compared to income, not FEELS.

Maybe you can provide some supporting evidence to the rest of your claims, maybe prove how anyone's political or religious views are being repressed, or exactly which personal freedom and/or opportunity has declined? Having someone explain why specific comments about historically marginalized people is wrong is not an attack on speech. Didn't the current government just get into a big international incident defending freedom of speech and religion?

Not sure what you mean about sex talk, because it certainly feels that there is more freedom than ever before to discuss issues relating to sex. I would say lewd comments are more frowned upon, but the reality is lewd comments were never acceptable behaviour - even when it was previously tolerated.

If not caring what religion my neighbours practice or what their sexual orientation or preference is - makes me a social anarchist, so be it. That sounds way better than the alternative.
I living right up the Canadian borders ass crack right now. I got patients crossing the border for my American healthcare service because they tell me Canadian health care is shit. All these Canadian license plates in the shopping malls. Canadian flags hanging at the hotels! I even witnessed a Canadian applying for a job at the eyewear store I purchased a pair of spectacles at! Yes, I see this clearly. I checked it out. It’s $1.36 Canadian dollar. No wonder they are coming over by the droves. I don’t care though, I am still going to Canada to spend my money. It’s a 3% transaction fee but it’s ok.
Maybe you can provide some supporting evidence to the rest of your claims, maybe prove how anyone's political or religious views are being repressed, or exactly which personal freedom and/or opportunity has declined? Having someone explain why specific comments about historically marginalized people is wrong is not an attack on speech. Didn't the current government just get into a big international incident defending freedom of speech and religion?
I'll stick to non-data driven feelings about my personal freedom...well I used to be able to smoke pretty much anywhere, but recently I can't even smoke within eyesight of a child in a park.
As of the last 3 years using calculations of wage/interest rate ratio, my children have removed home ownership as a realistic opportunity.
I have government agencies cancelling other religious celebration than Christmas, and purporting religious celebration as offensive to non-participants.
I was stripped of the freedom of travel within my own health jurisdiction, denied compensation, and became ineligible to work or volunteer for any healthcare related career positions.
My right to peaceful assembly is being challenged.
I am being forced to reconsider a new combustion powered vehicle budget.
I am being forced to create more pollution when I need a straw.
I know these are anecdotal 'feelings' from an individual, and don't point specifically to an individual gov't, but are experienced and 'felt' in the mind and pocket book of a majority of Canadians.
I'm sure you can tell me why each of these things I perceive as freedom, 'are causing harm to the greater good' and possibly should never have been a 'right' or 'freedom'.
Having someone explain why specific comments about historically marginalized people is wrong is not an attack on speech.
I can always accept debate on specific comments but historical events and historical commentary should not be stifled in the path forward. This is an attempt to alter the past and not own it at all. 'Explaining why' and 'violently protesting' sometimes morph into the same thing. It sucks, but freedom of speech, should be defended on an INDIVIDUAL, not groups or collectives.
When an individual demands others follow his words, that's when freedom of speech protection should be dissolved.
You have the right(and should be able) to say that you hate me, to me and anyone that listens to you. As long as they just say they hate me too...who cares. If they post on facebook that they hate me, is that a hate crime? Hopefully not.
If said hate is turned to action against me, there are already many laws to address this.
About the "official poverty line" You are correct the federal gov't first used this terminology on Aug 21 2018, my mistake, apologies. So if we look from 2019 to last year and transpose the number of Canadians dwelling below the poverty line, we should see the exact same improvement and assume less percentage of Canadians are living below that line? I would like to see those 2 Fact sheets. I don't see how we can rely on that data to assume our quality of life is better today than it was even 4 years ago. I know I wear rose colored glasses but I do go outdoors now and then. Homeless encampments in towns and citizens expected to diagnose and treat a drug overdose on the street? WT actual F.
Interesting story about freedoms and attitudes being not illegal but boy do we read too much into some serious issues by transposing our biases on others, which prohibits actual progress.1701874968226.png This saga is what's wrong with 'explaining' why this is wrong.
I living right up the Canadian borders ass crack right now. I got patients crossing the border for my American healthcare service because they tell me Canadian health care is shit. All these Canadian license plates in the shopping malls. Canadian flags hanging at the hotels! I even witnessed a Canadian applying for a job at the eyewear store I purchased a pair of spectacles at! Yes, I see this clearly. I checked it out. It’s $1.36 Canadian dollar. No wonder they are coming over by the droves. I don’t care though, I am still going to Canada to spend my money. It’s a 3% transaction fee but it’s ok.

as a canadian living in america , its not shitty health care,and americas health care isnt the greatest either if you get your house foreclosed on because you cannot afford cancer treatment

both have pros and cons youre meeting people who have money who want to spend it on privatized healthcare not the average canadian

I too also lived on an american boarder town, cross boarder stuff is huge it doesnt mean people are coming in"droves" lol it means they have the ability to do either or since they live on a boarder town.

your posts have been pretty outlandish lately, are you okay?
And I thought it was only a Canadian problem. Maybe it is not Trudeau's fault?

Lawmakers blast growing divide between housing supply and demand
Lawmakers and witnesses at a hearing addressing housing affordability Wednesday morning sounded similar frustrations over the growing divide between affordable housing supply and demand in markets across the country. “The severe shortage of affordable and available homes for extremely low-income renters is a structural feature of the country’s housing system, consistently impacting every state and nearly every community,” said witness Diane Yentel, president and CEO of the National Low Income Housing Coalition.

A surge of post-pandemic evictions highlighted the nation’s racially unequal housing crisis, with Black and brown renters being evicted at much higher rates compared to white renters. Experts have said that starter homes hardly exist anymore, with first-time home buyers needing 13 percent more in income to afford today’s starter home prices. With high rent and home prices, there are scarce signs of improvements on the horizon.

“The gap between supply and demand continues to grow,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) said Wednesday.
Witnesses blamed local policies and zoning laws for much of the problem, while disagreeing over the federal role in fixing the housing crisis.
“Federal government intervention in the form of subsidies is necessary,” Yentel said.
Witness Norbert J. Michel, director of the Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives at the Cato Institute, disagreed, saying that “failed housing policies” out of Congress are driving the housing affordability problem.

“Without reversing course, federal policies will further expand government intervention in housing markets at a great cost to millions of Americans,” Michel said. “They will put even more upward pressure on prices and rental rates, waste taxpayers’ money, and ultimately make housing less affordable. Ideally, the federal government would end policies that favor ownership over renting and stop intervening in housing markets.”
Conservative members agreed, with Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) saying, “It’s very simple, you get government out of the way.”

“This has got to be something on the local level,” he added. Both Yentel and Waters pointed to housing costs as a key driver of homelessness, with Waters saying, “Housing costs are too damn high and they’re pushing people out of their homes.” Democratic representatives fumed over the lack of legislative action or attention on housing in the GOP-controlled House.

“I do believe on the issue of housing; this committee has lost the plot,” said Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.)
“Because House Republicans don’t want to talk about this issue, we don’t have the time to advance the policies that matter to the American people,” said Rep. Steven Horsford (D-Nev.). “I am pissed, the American people are pissed, my constituents are pissed if we don’t make housing more of a priority in this Congress.”

Horsford highlighted the number of hearings on the issue: 55 during the previous Democrat-led Congress, and one since Republicans took back power. “Almost a year into this Congress, and we are holding the first hearing on housing,” Horsford said. “Congratulations.”
Rep. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) fired back at Horsford, claiming Democrats had done nothing to fix the problem despite all the attention on it.

“Apparently my colleagues seem to think the number of hearings we hold translates to actual legislation passing. In the last Congress, there were 55 hearings on housing, and yet 0 bills were enacted. These bills were so bad that even the Biden administration rejected them,” he said.
“Maybe we should consider changing our policies,” Lawler continued. “Maybe we should reduce the cost of living. No, why would we think about this logically. Stop worrying about the number of hearings and start worrying about the damn laws we’re passing.”
I was stripped of the freedom of travel within my own health jurisdiction

Oz remembers this.

View attachment 5272390Spring 2021 the only people on Lake Louise. It was glorious, businesses we patronized were very appreciative. Following the rules to our advantage and benefitting business. Our family became the closer than ever so it wasn't all bad for us, despite being prevented from going to our remote water access cabin in Ontario.

You remind me of my brother, also a mechanic, the diesel variant, not marine though. He manufactures grievances all the time and has weird twists of what represents freedom.

It must have been horrible for you to endure you're father's political aspirations on the way to hockey practice. Hockey in my youth was for privileged.

Have been seeing a few of these signs around lately. :bigjoint:
