Been doing some research all day (pretty sick of reading and googling) and testing test orders to different provinces and definitely free shipping below $200 in purchase amount is not sustainable for nutrients (weight of product makes the cost huge vs items in larger box but 1/3 weight) unless I list everything at MSRP which is what most Canadian retailers seem to be doing. Looking at CP and Fedex discounts even if I met the bigger discounts levels I'd still have to list stuff at MSRP to make even an online store sustainable. I did get hooked up with a shipping company that got me 20% saving from UPS and Canpar over my current account.
So I'm looking at these options
#1 raise prices 10% to match other stores and change free shipping to $200 maybe still keep $150
#2 Lower the nutrients price of 4L products by 30% off MSRP and 1L by 20% and charge shipping. To customer the final price would be pretty much the same with free shipping, also makes the price lower than 80% of retailers out there. After doing some test runs this would make the profit margin sustainable on nutrients. I would offer free shipping site wide on certain items like RO machines or C02/PH/TDS meters where I made descent profit margins. The shipping across Canada would be no more than $20 per each item and can be absorbed by the profit or keep the price of those items also low and charge shipping. So would a user go for a cheaper price + pay for shipping or much bigger product cost + free shipping.