Cannabis for bronchitis?

My GF has chronic bronchitis and the best thing that has helped her so far are taking my coconut oil edibles. She says it opens her airways and takes some of the pressure off. Vaping or smoking while you have an infection/irritant sounds counter-productive. I recently had a sinus infection that went into my chest for a bit and stuck to edibles, even a small hit would make me break out in a coughing fit.
Edibles keep me from needing NSAIDs for inflammation.
I used to take them by the handful.
In years past (a lot of years ago) you had to smoke a lot more harsh weed at a sitting to get high. This caused coughing and wheezing with me, especially the next morning upon waking. With today's more potent weed and bongs, this is not the case as you don't need to smoke as much weed at a sitting to get stoned.
In years past (a lot of years ago) you had to smoke a lot more harsh weed at a sitting to get high. This caused coughing and wheezing with me, especially the next morning upon waking. With today's more potent weed and bongs, this is not the case as you don't need to smoke as much weed at a sitting to get stoned.
Ever try a good vaporizer?
You'll use less weed and improve overall lung health.
(Smoke contains solids and various 'mystery' chemicals created by combustion.)
I can see using edibles to possibly deal with bronchitis. I can't see how ANY smoke to the lungs would benefit that condition.
I have a strain that when you smoke it, it opens up your airways completely but won't kill a sinus infection which is what bronchitis is ,,,,,,,

Even though this is an old thread, I had to comment on some of the misinformation.

Sinuses can relate to bronchitis but it's a secondary sort of thing. Chronic sinus infection with drainage can cause bronchitis because all that gunk drains down into your bronchi where it can cause bronchitis and cough.

Marijuana has been identified as being a mild bronchodilator but I'm of the opinion that it should be taken orally and not smoked.
Bumping an old thread. After getting bronchitis 2 days after every cold (regardless of how bad the cold is) for the last 20 years I can definitely say smoking anything will extend how long you have it and how bad it is. Yes, the coughing fit you have after smoking will clear your lungs some at that moment, but smoke, and coughing, are two of the well documented causes of bronchial irritation. I want to take edibles but I'm not sure how they will interact. They obviously don't hurt my lungs but still seem to have an effect on mucous buildup and other bodily functions (eyes still get red, I still get cottonmouth) so I have been hesitant to imbibe, but I really want to. I'm not looking for a cure, just looking to not make it worse. Anyone have any bad experiences mixing edibles and bronchitis?
Also, to the guy who said
"Interesting as I get a sinus infection every year, have for over 40 years now and every doctor I've seen has called it bronchitis and prescribed antibiotics. Guess I've been going to a bunch of hack doctors all these years LOL"
You need a new doctor. The vast majority of bronchitis cases are viral and the rare cases that are bacterial do not respond to antibiotics and they are not recommended.
Hey guys, im pretty sure im getting bronchitis, i match all the symptoms and just came out of the flu. Its a very painfull cough and sore throat.

When i look up marijuana for bronchitis all i find is idiots asking if they should smoke while they have it.

My question is, should i use indica edibles for pain relief? Do you need to get super high to relieve any pain or would a low dose work?
For me ,a trip over the rainbow.....get to that higher ground ! For the shit I got, l bong myself into a coma everynight.....never lets me down.......maybe you better titrate.....l shouldn't plant a seed that may backfire on you.