Can’t figure out DWC Cloning, HELP

I love learning. Would you please explain the science behind compost tea promoting plant propagation ?
I understand how Willow water & honey work in that regard, but compost teas in a cloner makes zero sense to me.
So the microbe tea is not neccessarily feeding the cuttings as they undergo developing their own root systems , the cutting is doing all the work and using residual nutrients left in the cutting itself to develope new roots, auxin is produced in this process the plant basically eats itself reverses its focus from developing branches and leaves to using what is inside of the plant as food to produce auxin and feed the cambial cells in the stem and form root primordia (root tissue) the cutting being watered by the nozzles in your aeroponic cloner feed the plant water which it uptakes through the stem up into the plant (like the vasscular pressure in our veins) the microbes eat and digest (very basic concept of what is molecularly hard to explain in short) all of the nutrients among other mineral deposits found in the water and what the microbes "excrete" from the digestion process is readily available soluable nutrients for the plant to then use and aid it in its process of molecular growth of the root tissue... in short its eating and pooping out an available form of food for the plant, the plant forms a symbiotic relationship to the bacteria with its own excretion (aka bacteria food) further promoting the relationship between the two... so it doesnt feed the cuttings as much as it makes their food easier to eat and in turn the plant feeds the bacteria...
Alright guys i decided to try something with my same cuttings. Soaked them in a peroxide water mix for about 12 hours. While they were soaking I soaked all my cloning equipment and tubing in boiling water and then let it flow overnight through the pump. Changed the water this morning and replaced with tap water with a little peroxide in it.

then took the same clones out of the peroxide mix and cut another 45 degree incision so that the bottom of the stems that were browning were taken off. Gonna let them bubble for a week and see how it goes. This time I won’t touch anything.I also put them in a separate room from my tent because the exhaust from the tent was raising room temps and I think that was part of the issue. Hoping for the best. I know if they recover they might be weak but I’m sure a good amount of veg time and proper feeding can solve that.