Cant find what is wrong

These are my 2 mothers I just watered them with straight RO water with ph of 5.8 hoping it fixes what ever is wrong. It is so hard to tell what is wrong cause all show different signs and are all getting the same feeding so I can understand how the Lucas formula makes sense to use


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Yep. clear as rain now. Drop the cal-mag. flush them through with pH 6.0 water a few times, don't just top feed them, although you can to get an idea of whats in the root zone, but give them some time to process out the excess, then feed without adding cal-mag. Keep that shit on standby for if your plants tell you they want it. Switch to Lucas formula and you wont regret it!
These are my 2 mothers I just watered them with straight RO water with ph of 5.8 hoping it fixes what ever is wrong. It is so hard to tell what is wrong cause all show different signs and are all getting the same feeding so I can understand how the Lucas formula makes sense to use
when you get done with this grow, throw all that rockwool away and use GH rapid rooters instead for your clones.
Better still, root in aero and straight to clay pebbles. Reusable, inert, tons of area for your bennies.. and most importantly for you.. easy to flush!
So to fix my table I should top water RO water to rinse out rockwool? How many times should I do it before going back to Lucas feeding
No not top water. You need to let them sit in it so they have time to process out the crap. It's not just the rockwool, it's the actual plant tissues which are clogged, imho. Ditch your res entirely. fill it with RO water, pH it to 6. Feed them for 15 mins, every 2 hours, say.. 4-5 times.. then add your nutes back in. You should notice your reservoir pH swings and your PPM rises as you are flushing.
Ok I use about 150 l of water to fill my table should I completely submerge the pebbles or just how I am watering now at an inch less then top of pebbles .should I replace my water ever flush or is once alright ?
One lot of water for the flush will be fine. Note what happens to the pH and PPM. It's just watering as normal, for a few times, using only pH'd RO water.
Ok so you said water for 15 mins I have only been watering for 6 mins should I be using my overflow to set my height instead on my water time?
Absolutely 100% you should water according to height. The idea with flood and drain is to do it fast, so that you can get full height on your pots without having them in the water for too long. 6-15 minutes.. it's all personal preference. I feed for 10 minutes but my fill time is rapid. 15 mins im saying for flushing.
i would fill it up high enough with RO so that the RW is completely under water. let that sit for 4hours, drain, and refill with lighter nutes.
You should be filling to a decent height otherwise you're limiting the amount of roots you can actually have. You want to be filling 2/3 of the depth of the table, and yes, using the overflow to regulate, that's what it's there for.

No, 4 hours wont drown them.
What type lights did you have these under before? The swap to LEDs from HIDs can be challenging. I suggest investing in a cheap infrared thermometer to measure leaf temps and do whatever it takes to keep leaf temps around 85 degrees F. I find it odd that just new growth is showing these symptoms. Remember you have to keep everything synchronized, hotter more feed cooler less feed, same goes with light intensity and co2 everything has to be synchronized. Under LEDs your plants will not transpire as much as other light sources with increased infrared heat so you will need to increase room temps into the lower 80s in order to get leaf temps around 85 and I would also recommend decreasing nutrient concentration by at least 25% when going to LEDs from HIDs.
What type lights did you have these under before? The swap to LEDs from HIDs can be challenging. I suggest investing in a cheap infrared thermometer to measure leaf temps and do whatever it takes to keep leaf temps around 85 degrees F. I find it odd that just new growth is showing these symptoms. Remember you have to keep everything synchronized, hotter more feed cooler less feed, same goes with light intensity and co2 everything has to be synchronized. Under LEDs your plants will not transpire as much as other light sources with increased infrared heat so you will need to increase room temps into the lower 80s in order to get leaf temps around 85 and I would also recommend decreasing nutrient concentration by at least 25% when going to LEDs from HIDs.
All I have is led one different is they went froma mars to a spider led
What type lights did you have these under before? The swap to LEDs from HIDs can be challenging. I suggest investing in a cheap infrared thermometer to measure leaf temps and do whatever it takes to keep leaf temps around 85 degrees F. I find it odd that just new growth is showing these symptoms. Remember you have to keep everything synchronized, hotter more feed cooler less feed, same goes with light intensity and co2 everything has to be synchronized. Under LEDs your plants will not transpire as much as other light sources with increased infrared heat so you will need to increase room temps into the lower 80s in order to get leaf temps around 85 and I would also recommend decreasing nutrient concentration by at least 25% when going to LEDs from HIDs.
Can i just continually flood for for hours and let it recirculate or should I let it sit
Can i just continually flood for for hours and let it recirculate or should I let it sit
Well if you have salt buildup you might run something like floraklean, clearex, final flush or something to help break down the salts, other wise I would just cut back on the ppms and continue as you have. Continuously check PH and PPMs and make sure all other environmental factors are in check, invest in the infrared thermometer and make sure leaf temps are 85, usually LEDs only raise surface temp a few degrees so lower 80 ambient is about right. Look into VPD (vapor pressure deficit) and follow the chart.