Cant find what is wrong

Yes just let it recirculate and keep adjusting it down until you can get it to stay down, really that’s all you can do. It should swing up but slowly about a point a day depending on the Rez size.
When I say swing from 5.5 to 6.5 that’s over a weeks time, if it jumps up that quick something is wrong
Well it will bring it up in a 24 hour span we are also noticing a really high ppm and ph as we are flushing everything right now
Yes just let it recirculate and keep adjusting it down until you can get it to stay down, really that’s all you can do. It should swing up but slowly about a point a day depending on the Rez size.
We are using about 120 to 100l of water in our rez
That’s a pretty small rez, i would just run ph’d tap through it till I got it flushed and stabilized at a good ph and when the ppms drop way down, then flush with the correct ph and ppm solution.
That’s a pretty small rez, i would just run ph’d tap through it till I got it flushed and stabilized at a good ph and when the ppms drop way down, then flush with the correct ph and ppm solution.
So we have flushed and got most of the salts out but the ph is still coming out at 6.7 so we are going to do one more flush at 5.5 and see if we can get the ph to come down we are doing all of this while plants are still in it will they be alright?
So we have flushed and got most of the salts out but the ph is still coming out at 6.7 so we are going to do one more flush at 5.5 and see if we can get the ph to come down we are doing all of this while plants are still in it will they be alright?
i've flushed mine in rdwc with un pH'd well water for 24 hours with no issues. they won't starve in 24hrs.

i would figure out too at this time your feed timing so the rockwool never dries out.
I really think getting rid of all the pebbles and just do it with panda film.Leave in net pots you could put them in 1.5G pots.Roots will be happier.
So we have flushed and got most of the salts out but the ph is still coming out at 6.7 so we are going to do one more flush at 5.5 and see if we can get the ph to come down we are doing all of this while plants are still in it will they be alright?
Yes they should be fine, it will probably take a while to get your ph down because the size of your rez compared to the volume of the hydroton, it’s like you have a lake of high ph media and your throwing 5 gal buckets at it each time you adjust. If your rez was bigger in comparison it wouldn’t take as long. Being you have plants in the system you really don’t need to lower the ph much out of range, otherwise you could throw a really acidic solution at it and speed things up. Just be patient and keep dropping it back down occasionally if your still recirculating constantly or in between cycles if your back on the timer.
Yes they should be fine, it will probably take a while to get your ph down because the size of your rez compared to the volume of the hydroton, it’s like you have a lake of high ph media and your throwing 5 gal buckets at it each time you adjust. If your rez was bigger in comparison it wouldn’t take as long. Being you have plants in the system you really don’t need to lower the ph much out of range, otherwise you could throw a really acidic solution at it and speed things up. Just be patient and keep dropping it back down occasionally if your still recirculating constantly or in between cycles if your back on the timer.
So how big of a rez should I be running i am probably only running 90 to 100l in my table at a time and so now that I got my salts out my ph should bring itself down over time ?
The bigger the rez the more stable it will be, but as long as your flooding the table thoroughly and still have the pump covered at all times your ok, you will just need to adjust things more often vs a bigger rez. You really do need to get the ph down because at 6.7 your out of range on a lot of the elements. I’ve never ran a full flood an drain table of hydroton out of fear of accumulated salts, longer periods between flood times will allow more evaporation leaving dry salts behind plus hydroton as a medium allows a lot of evaporation. If I was you I would cover the table with panda film and just cut some X’s to slip over your plants while they are small, that will cut down on evaporation.
The bigger the rez the more stable it will be, but as long as your flooding the table thoroughly and still have the pump covered at all times your ok, you will just need to adjust things more often vs a bigger rez. You really do need to get the ph down because at 6.7 your out of range on a lot of the elements. I’ve never ran a full flood an drain table of hydroton out of fear of accumulated salts, longer periods between flood times will allow more evaporation leaving dry salts behind plus hydroton as a medium allows a lot of evaporation. If I was you I would cover the table with panda film and just cut some X’s to slip over your plants while they are small, that will cut down on evaporation.
If you are growing ebb and flow how would u grow it if not the table all full of hydroton?