"Carbon dioxide global Climate change" is a hoax and fraud

So many renewable energy sources, no need for coal or "fossil fuel". I don't condone pollutants. I'm simply referring to natural global warming and cooling which is produced by the orbit of Jupiter. The observable and measurable facts are already there, it has not been "debunked" .
Don't back peddle.

Either we are fucking up the earth or we are not. You know we are.
Some people just don't get invited to the cool parties.
I guess.

People are like that. They think its not worth even trying.
Like I said, you are trying to make a connection with smog and global warming, and that it is not possible as I have just showed you.
Pollution kills, but it does not cause global warming
Jupiter is 1,317 times the size and 318 times the mass of the Earth, and its magnetic field of ten times the Earth's reacts with Earth's magnetic field to produce heat in the core of the earth, as any electrical engineer would know. The eleven-year sunspot cycle, the Sun's radiation, aurora borealis and flipping of the Sun's magnetic field are also related to Jupiter and are not related to carbon dioxide. The Sun's magnetic field, Earth's magnetic field and Jupiter's magnetic field have millions of times the effect on the temperature of the Earth than anything insignificant humans can do.

Jupiter's magnetic field that rotates with Jupiter every 10-hour Jupiter day has heated the interior of the Earth, which is heating the ocean. More heat in the interior of the Earth causes earthquakes, tsunamis, El Niño, floods and volcanoes that carbon dioxide cannot possibly cause. Heating the ocean puts more water vapor into the atmosphere which causes greenhouse effect, more rain, snow, floods and global warming. Carbon dioxide does not cause rain or floods. The University of Minnesota reported in Seiche, May 2008 that since 1980, Lake Superior has warmed twice as fast as the regional air temperature. Did automobiles heat up Lake Superior? No, Jupiter's magnetic field heated the interior of the Earth. This increased the temperature of the oceans and Lake Superior, producing more water vapor in the atmosphere.

what a shitty, stupid fucking post.
Smog is only present in a handful of places on the entire planet. How does that compare to the millions of acres of forest fires of the past? If anything, the smoke or smog would block the rays of the sun and prevent it from heating the earth below. But as I explained, the heat is not coming from above.
The sad scientific fact is that as the temperature of the ocean increases, more carbon dioxide is released by the ocean water than by humans, animals or forest fires. This is easily confirmed by testing the carbon dioxide content of carbonated water, heating the water, and again testing the carbon dioxide content. Heating carbonated water cause a release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Heating of the ocean as a result of the increased temperature of the earth's core is the prime source of excess carbon dioxide and water vapor (floods) in the world. The atmosphere contains 720 billion tons of CO2 of which humans contribute only 6 billion tons (0.83%). The oceans, land and atmosphere exchange CO2 continuously so the additional load by humans is incredibly small. A small increase in ocean temperature causes a much more severe rise than any carbon dioxide we could produce.
Smog is only present in a handful of places on the entire planet. How does that compare to the millions of acres of forest fires of the past? If anything, the smoke or smog would block the rays of the sun and prevent it from heating the earth below. But as I explained, the heat is not coming from above.
The sad scientific fact is that as the temperature of the ocean increases, more carbon dioxide is released by the ocean water than by humans, animals or forest fires. This is easily confirmed by testing the carbon dioxide content of carbonated water, heating the water, and again testing the carbon dioxide content. Heating carbonated water cause a release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Heating of the ocean as a result of the increased temperature of the earth's core is the prime source of excess carbon dioxide and water vapor (floods) in the world. The atmosphere contains 720 billion tons of CO2 of which humans contribute only 6 billion tons (0.83%). The oceans, land and atmosphere exchange CO2 continuously so the additional load by humans is incredibly small. A small increase in ocean temperature causes a much more severe rise than any carbon dioxide we could produce.

Fuck your wall of post statistical bull shit.

It gets hotter every year, the planet's ice is melting, CO2 and other greenhouse gasses are the driver.
It's simple common sense that burning fossil fuel isn't the best idea going forward.

And the vast majority of deniers are financially or politically motivated.

So, which fucking one are you?
Attention Trolls! Insults do not disprove factual evidence.

If the planets ice caps were decreasing, (which they are not, they are actually increasing) than the oceanwater would be cooling, not heating! And if CO2 is only 0.04 percent of the Earth's atmosphere, how does that equate to greenhouse effect?
Attention Trolls! Insults do not disprove factual evidence.

If the planets ice caps were decreasing, (which they are not, they are actually increasing) than the oceanwater would be cooling, not heating! And if CO2 is only 0.04 percent of the Earth's atmosphere, how does that equate to greenhouse effect?
Water vapor contributes 95 percent of global warming. Man-made carbon dioxide is only 0.117 percent of total carbon dioxide in the air and contributes only 0.0047 percent carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
  • The coldest winters of 2009 - 2010 and 2013 - 2014 the United States, Europe and Russia have had in the past 100 years have been totally ignored after initial news casts.

  • NASA Goddard Institute for space studies (GISS) and NOAA reported increases in temperature at 1500 of their monitoring stations while deleting the cooling data from 4500 of their monitoring stations. This was exposed by Meteorologist Anthony Watts and Joseph D'Aleo, co-founder of the Weather Channel.
  • The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicted that the climate in South America would rapidly wipe out the rainforests. Now, with freezing snow all over the United States, Europe and Asia, governmental agencies are blaming the freezing snow and floods on global warming and global climate change. The truth is, as anyone can observe fog being produced by cold air over warm water, the ocean is producing more water vapor because of the colder air over it.

  • Melting of glaciers in the Himalayas is a fraud perpetrated by IPCC, NASA and other agencies and based on the speculation of an Indian professor Syed Hasnain in 1999 that if global warming is true, it could happen!

  • According to the UK Reporter, increased hurricane intensity data cited by IPCC came from computer climate models, while observational data shows no increase.

  • The warming of eastern China was based on the local effects of the spreading of cities.

  • According to the UK Times reporter, Jonathan Leake, and the EU Referendum Blog, The IPCC prediction that by 2020, yields from rain-fed agriculture could decline by up to 50 percent is based on a report produced by a Canadian advocacy group, written by an obscure Moroccan who specializes in carbon trading citing references that do not support his claims.

  • In February, 2010 the IPCC admitted wrongly stating in 2007 that 55 percent of the Netherlands lies below sea level, when in fact, only 26 percent is below sea level, and has been for centuries.

  • All the data that created the "hockey stick" graph has been "misplaced" or "lost".

  • Methane in the atmosphere in the presence of oxygen and sunlight converts to carbon dioxide and water as part of Intelligent Design. Carbon dioxide has no effect on global warming. Carbon dioxide is essential for all plant life.

  • Carbon dioxide has absolutely nothing to do with increasing earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis in by the 2012 end of the world predictions.

  • The global warming fabricators are now claiming that the melting of the Arctic ice is causing 32 degree F water to flow into the ocean, thereby heating the ocean, which is an absolute impossibility, and causing the dramatic drop in global temperatures since 2000 AD, another absolute impossibility. The fact is, we have been undergoing a thirty-year drop in global temperature due to Jupiter moving away from the sun and earth that began in 2000, which will cause world-wide famines and starvation due to crops freezing until 2060 AD.
  • The coldest winters of 2009 - 2010 and 2013 - 2014 the United States, Europe and Russia have had in the past 100 years have been totally ignored after initial news casts.

  • NASA Goddard Institute for space studies (GISS) and NOAA reported increases in temperature at 1500 of their monitoring stations while deleting the cooling data from 4500 of their monitoring stations. This was exposed by Meteorologist Anthony Watts and Joseph D'Aleo, co-founder of the Weather Channel.

Lol, but why so tall, hmmm?

Of the world's countries, the climate change denial industry is most powerful in the United States. Since January 2015, theUnited States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works has been chaired by oil lobbyist and climate change denierJim Inhofe. Inhofe is notorious for having called climate change "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated against the American people" and for having claimed to have debunked the alleged hoax in February 2015 when he brought a snowball with him in the Senate chamber and tossed it across the floor.[18] Organised campaigning to undermine public trust in climate science is associated with conservativeeconomic policies and backed by industrial interests opposed to the regulation of CO2emissions.[19] Climate change denial has been associated with the fossil fuels lobby, the Koch brothers, industry advocates and libertarianthink tanks, often in the United States.[14][20][21][22] More than 90% of papers sceptical on climate change originate from right-wing think tanks.[23] The total annual income of these climate change counter-movement-organizations is roughly $900 million.[24] Between 2002 and 2010, nearly $120 million (£77 million) was anonymously donated via the Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund to more than 100 organisations seeking to undermine the public perception of the science on climate change.[25] In 2013 the Center for Media and Democracy reported that the State Policy Network (SPN), an umbrella group of 64 U.S. think tanks, had been lobbying on behalf of major corporations and conservative donors to oppose climate change regulation.[26]

Why does this not shock me, number one in climate denial, fuck yeah man.
Facts are those things which can be observed, measured, tested.. facts are what I have given. I am not denying climate change, I have given factual evidence of why there is climate change.

@Justin-case = Promoters of CAP and trade taxation and the destruction of the US economy correlate an increase in carbon dioxide as the cause of the fictional increase in global warming. That is why advocates for free trade so strongly disagree.

I personally am opposed because I am an advocate for truth and for liberty. However, I am also opposed to the oil industry and the petro dollar. As it was the oil tycoons who have quashed most competition (main reason Hemp production has been outlawed).

Bundle up trolls, prepare for the cool down.