Carport Greenhouse 2010

No, I'm in control, I just have to live with her.

When you've been married for 35 years, you learn that "control" is a relative thing.


just tell her what i tell my wife,,,, that is you (her) may wear the pants BUT I WEAR THE

hope your knee gets better.... looking good over there... keep um greeeeeeen
No, I'm in control, I just have to live with her.

When you've been married for 35 years, you learn that "control" is a relative thing.


i here that. you got some amazing plants. and i hope every thing goes well and as planned for you

haha such a dope pic ;-)

haha thanks man, and it all looked so innocent back in May! lol!

Thanks guy's, I need all the help I can get. They have just started flowering, they should be finished in Oct.
Hang-on, this is when it starts to get interesting

Yeah, 2 out of 3 ain't bad. Never been to Northstar. I think the GDP came from a dis. on Folsom blvd in Rancho, but I can't remember the name.


the only ones i know on folsome blvd down that way are alternative medical center close to watt ave and green temple which used to be on folsom and bradshaw but they moved.
While I was rolling around on the ground after the fall, I decided to have a beer & leave my mark




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Oh man...

I hope that one that you carved is the one that tossed you, even though it's not her fault the ground was soft!

The wife said it's not your fault, but I have a feeling she's now gonna have her own theories as to why they call it white widow.

When working on bare earth on a ladder, it's good to throw a piece of plywood down to sit the ladder on top of, just in case of soft spots. If the wife says anything, just do that and say you learned from your mistake and will now use the plywood when it's ladder time.

It's all compromise, my friend. During my last grow, we got helicopters flying over the house maybe 20 feet above the tree line and stopping over the two locations in the yard that I had plants, sitting for about 2-3 minutes, then going off on the rest of patrol . Needless to say the wife was not happy about this, and it freaked me the hell out too.

She wouldn't let me grow this year unless I did something different, so this year I surrounded the plants with bean plants for camo, and also because the bean plants will put more nitrogen into the soil. I'm also keeping them short with a bit of strategic LST. Hoping they don't stand out this year like they did a couple years ago.
Time for a video update. I found a piece of plywood to put under the ladder leg, so I won't fall again. Here's a quick video from the greenhouse

