Carport GreenHouse 2011


Well-Known Member
I just can't decide if my plants are done. I've read all along my grow now reading tons more. So many people are saying 100 cloudy and so many others are saying you need amber like 25-50%. The buds seem to have stop growing weeks ago and just look awesome but I don't want to rob myself of potency.
I think we need to see some pictures, then we can help.


Well-Known Member
For me once you are looking at trichs it's all about what type of high you are looking for.. Some like a heady high and others like a couchlock (drool all over yourself) high. I prefer a 50/50 ratio if possible. :) Post up pics like TMB said though. :)


Well-Known Member
damn, I had to read 5 pages to get caught back up!! Dude, you guys are really gettin' hammered by the worms eh? shit I'm sorry to hear that, I know the feeling, the last 2 years they tore my ass up too. I've been damn lucky so far this year, but I have alot of plants that are just getting started good, so I got a ways to go. I was lookin' real close to the bigger ones(the big6 Rommy's) and they seem to havre caught up and maybe are ahead of the Roms I had last year by lookin at the pics, so I feel better about that group, but I got like 9 here at the house that are look like they're 2 weeks into flower! WTF?!?! I think all that horse poop burn, was too much nitro and set them back on time somehow IDK.


Well-Known Member
damn, I had to read 5 pages to get caught back up!! Dude, you guys are really gettin' hammered by the worms eh? shit I'm sorry to hear that, I know the feeling, the last 2 years they tore my ass up too. I've been damn lucky so far this year, but I have alot of plants that are just getting started good, so I got a ways to go. I was lookin' real close to the bigger ones(the big6 Rommy's) and they seem to havre caught up and maybe are ahead of the Roms I had last year by lookin at the pics, so I feel better about that group, but I got like 9 here at the house that are look like they're 2 weeks into flower! WTF?!?! I think all that horse poop burn, was too much nitro and set them back on time somehow IDK.
Think your right with the high nitrogen, last year my good friend Nuggs used some super hot turkey poop in his soil mixture, buds never tightened up like they should of. Why I cut back all High Nitrogen nutes when the girls start to flower, 3-20-20 is what they get and always use poop that's been cured out first.
Dang, heard Spare Time growers supply is out of Max-Sea 3-20-20, should have bought


Well-Known Member
you listen to the actual radio or you got a website to listen to it at? if so i'd like a link plz?
goto their website and look up the stations that host it in your area. alit of the time you can find a link for listening on their homepage :)

i lvoe crazy people, and some of the people on their sure are freaking NUTS.


Well-Known Member
cool thx for the info! shoulda thought of going to the site myself, but something makes me spacey sometimes.......I think it's the weed! lol


Well-Known Member
Used Super Bloom way back in the early 80s, good plant growth but full of nasty chemicals (makes buds taste like crap) plus would get airy buds.
I have enough 3-20-20 to get me thru but a good friend was running low and called Spare Time and they told him that their out of the bloom and have no idea when they'll get anymore in, can you imagine the amount their pushing? Would be rich
Son came out and sprayed the girls last night, except the medi and so far the worms are not a problem in the other strain, littled worried about the Purple Power, they went after her with a vengence last year but so far, so good. Will post up a pic for you later...


Well-Known Member
I still haven't seen any worms, and I'm pretty unsure as to how often I should keep spraying? I'm using Safer Caterpillar Killer, I saw that you mentioned it only lasts 12 hours.. So far I've been spraying about once a week. I feel like it's starting to alter the smell of the buds a little haha.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Hodge

The worms seam to really like the Medi, I'm not seeing any worms on the others.
They are gang raping the Medi!



Well-Known Member
It's killing me hearing about the worms fuckin' the Medi' up DoubleJJ, here's hoping you get 'em under control!


Well-Known Member
Those are truly some GIANT bushes JJ, I hope and pray I can finally start pulling trees like that next season!


Well-Known Member
I've brought up some fortifications in case I have a fight with the Taliban.

This is to help keep the vital infastructure systems working during combat!


Damn, how big are those worms, body armor needed? lol Now you got me searching the web for a M-60 and an M-79.