Carruthers Appeal to the Supreme Court


Well-Known Member
Here is a link to where you can donate to the cause if you can.

If you have not read up on this then please do. This twisted ass backward ruling by the COA is the most bold, blatent, idiotic ruling yet and has to be stopped. The way I see it this affects almost all patients and caregivers if not all....... This represents yet another section 4 protection to be stripped from us and has to be stopped. I do believe that Earl Curruthers can just go back to court and run his section 8 but he is choosing to take it to the SC so that the right judgement can be made.

As far as I can see this has all been vetted and on the up and up with all money going to the defense fund for this appeal to the SC........

If you can give something please do..... Every dollar counts..... And if you can't then again I ask you to push some positive energy Earl's way.....
But if you can this is something the entire community needs to get behind.

I ask you to stand with me and the community to set the COA straight and let them know that enough is enough..........

This is not a fundraiser that I am putting on. It is being put on by others in the community and you can see more at the link I gave.

Mods if this topic is not ok please feel free to do what you do. If you do delete please send me a pm to let me know thanx.

I stand with you Earl because .............I AM CARRUTHERS..........

I say that even though I am not Earl or a Carruthers for that matter but am a fellow patient and no different then him.......


Well-Known Member
Don't know as of yet which lawyer they are going with. Everyone please read up on this case.

And thank you to those that are donating.


Well-Known Member
Thank you NurseNancy for the like.......
Thank you for posting about mr Carruthers. Them sayin RSO is not medicine is just chillingly stupid of them. I now have to decide to Do what is legal or what is right. I will be choosing the Latter.


Well-Known Member
Well said Nurse Nancy........

Please if you guys know anyone who uses oils,concentrates or anything that is not the whole flower or leaf of the plant then please pass this along so that they have a chance to donate to the cause. This has the potential to affect even those that do not use concentrates. Please everyone read up on it.

There is more talk in the thread link i put up about what lawyers they are talking to about this appeal to the Supreme Court. We have to stand up for our rights because no one else will. This state is chipping away at our section 4 protections one by one and it has to stop.

Thank you to all the well wishers and donators......... Carruthers thanks you and the rest of the MMJ community thanks you.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna give a little bump so those that have not seen get a chance too........

Keep pushing........

Edited to add..... Please copy and use my sig for the weekend for a little push..... Everyone that does it will help.


Well-Known Member
Dr. Bob is paying too much for his weed in my opinion if he thinks that's all we should give. He forgets we all take advantage of the law which is why we have enough to make concentrates in the first place :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
Let's push this......... The more money raised the better chances of better results at the SC.....

Every patient thanks you.


Active Member


Case Filed06/28/2011

Case Disposed02/27/2012

Case E-filedNO

Party TypeParty NameBar #Attorney Name

Plaintiff - 0001PEOPLE 23242JESSICA R. COOPER
Defendant - 0002NONE 54716CORBETT EDGE O'MEARA
Defendant - 0003NONE 37579ELTON MOSLEY


New Member
I have some full melt hash and oil in excess of my needs , going to ask for donations for the case here while raising awareness and sharing concentrates to those in need of them .. My name is Earl !

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
I am glad to see that folks are getting behind this after some initial distractions. The key here is to make a small, but significant, donation to become part of the solution. Most can afford the cost of an 1/8 ($25-50 from what I am told). Obviously if you can afford more, please give based on your means. If not, you can show your support and participation with a smaller, but none the less significant, donation according to your means.

Earl and the rest of the community are appreciative of your support in this important case.

Dr. Bob

Apparently the original link no longer works. Perhaps Oz can update it for us.