mexican death FTW
14 pages of people trying to name some unknown shit from mexico?
Fucking arrest it and deport it, don't name it or it will think it has rights!!!
Did some veiw this offensive, im from Europe and laughed pretty hard after reading this.
I have little comprehension of situations between the two borders or people struggles but relating to the broader world and country borders this was damn funny.
No this is normal to have a harsh approach to the border situation. American weed growers do NOT like the cartels or guerilla growers.
I can half guess why but please explain futher??
You got its name then?? Peace
Wow sounds bad, probably not a good idea to live near the border then i guess. I thought Mexico was a wicked place for a night out, times have really changed, id be carefull what you call seed, wrong name could start a war from what im hearing. Peace
Wow sounds bad, probably not a good idea to live near the border then i guess. I thought Mexico was a wicked place for a night out, times have really changed, id be carefull what you call seed, wrong name could start a war from what im hearing. Peace
As long as your on the American side things are all gravy. The US ain't gonna get raided by cartels. Across the border tho, if you get involved in drugs or smuggling then its all bad. Yes mexico has good times when it comes to parties, but it aint even worth it to cross the border for the night to go party. Too much drama.
This is why a year ago I stopped buying mexican bud. It's fertilized with human blood.
It used to be even 10 years ago. As long as you had some cash to pay off the cops ($60-100) it was all a good time. In recent years the cartels have been in a power struggle. Kidnappings, beheadings random daytime shootings it's all real deal down the now.
Power to the people, cartels only exist because we let them, if we all stood up we'd kick all their asses and make the world a better place to live in! Personally id like to believe if the cartels or mafia or triads or whoever screwed with Rollitup or got arsey with home growers we'd show them who the real 'Cartel' was! Peace