

Oh good old fashioned cartoon racism.....
[video=youtube;rXFSsKFrCgY] [/video]

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Futurama is amazing. I love a lot of cartoons. Anything from the Looney Tunes to newer stuff like Adventure Time. I need to download all the old Ninja Turtles episodes.
Futurama is amazing. I love a lot of cartoons. Anything from the Looney Tunes to newer stuff like Adventure Time. I need to download all the old Ninja Turtles episodes.

Futurama is a great show that's very insightful and regularly displays commentary on society at large. 10 out of 10 for sure.
I thank God every day that I get home that I didn't get exploded. The end.
Adventure Time
Samurai Jack
Venture Brothers
Trailer Park Boys(Not Cartoon)
King of the Hill
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
There's more...
ima go with an oldy but favorite "DOUG" cause im convinced that the creator of the show was on acid. How come every1 but Doug and his family is some random ass color! Next closest normal colored person is Patti Mayonaise she at least brown with blonde hair even though those dont match but still funny as hell!
If we're gonna go DOUG, anyone say Ren and Stimpy? Dino Stamotopolis is also responsible for Moral Oral, brilliant!
oh god I have a 2yr old and watch cartoons all day long..... does yo gaba gaba count....

ok adult stuff.... I choose bevis and buutthead