Catt's Bubblelicious Grow ~ 500w of CFL and 10,000w of LOVE!!


Well-Known Member
Did someone say fishing! There is going to be striped bass on the grill With some spring greens accompanied by a few fat bones. Oh the joys of life.


Well-Known Member
i wish i had some rivers around me or even a lake, i would be fishing right now nothing like relaxing and soaking up the fresh air smoking a doobie


Well-Known Member
i wish i had some rivers around me or even a lake, i would be fishing right now nothing like relaxing and soaking up the fresh air smoking a doobie
I absolutely couldn't agree with you more...

I can't wait to get back to where I came from! It's such an amazing place we have 2 ponds and about 250 acres of land!


Active Member
We are taking boat out tomorrow!! it's been in the 80's here for bout a month now. So excited, just me and my lady on the boat with a couple of beers!


Well-Known Member
That would be so sick! So I saw a seed hull on my plant and kinda tripped and stabbed it with a razor blade. I know these plants are resilient as hell so I just need someone to tell me it's ok...

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member order finally showed up from the Canadian distributor and it was wrong and short...kinda like one of my ex-wives LOL. Instead of Jack the Ripper they sent Space Dawg and the freebie Malawi Gold was a no show. They did send the Chernobyl. They said the MG will go out Monday...may see it by the end of the month.
So it looks like our first grow will be 6 plants. I'm seriously considering going LED and a linear track instead of CFL. No final decision yet. Got any new pix?


That sucks! Well, at least you got something... Hopefully it ends up being a blessing in disguise and they end up being killer plants. :)

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Catt, what did you use in your Jiffy pots to start? I decided against using LED...too risky if there is a failure in the middle of a cycle. I'm looking at a case lot of 250w Feliz under $62 each and reflectors. We'll hang two above and hang two on each side all on YoYo's.We still have to deal with climate control since it is a non-ventilated 7X7 closet.
The other question is wheteher or not to line the room or part of it. I still don't know if it's worth the investment since the throw is short and the reflection would probably be even shorter. Any ideas? Also where is the sub button? I don't see it LOL Old and blind :)


Well-Known Member
You click thread tools at the top of the comments here and a drop down pops up and you click sub!
calicatt79, how about an update on your grow?

I have three Bubblelicious growing as well, one is 28 days and the other two are 27 days. The oldest is doing really well, 7-1/2" tall and over 13" wide, she grows about 1/2" to 3/4" each day. The other two are about the same hight but 3 times smaller in width. Week two and three was hell but got them back, really not sure what the problem was. Anyway looking forward to your update.


Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Dabumps, thanks! I ended up finding it. I haven't figured out how to post up pix...all it keeps asking for is a URL. The avatar is the only pic I can load from the computer itself. Any help there?


Active Member
Hey Catt, been a while, still very impressed with your closet everything looks top shelf!
by the way, got an update on mt thread, check it out!


Dabumps, thanks! I ended up finding it. I haven't figured out how to post up pix...all it keeps asking for is a URL. The avatar is the only pic I can load from the computer itself. Any help there?
Click on the Insert Image button when you're posting and select the From Computer tab if it isn't already selected, then click on the Basic Uploader link in the bottom-right of the popup window.