I just knew them fuckin nanners would pop up....so I took the she-male down before those pods burst open and shimmed the entire crew

It was sad but I knew it needed to be done, and done fast. She smells just like blueberries and I steam dried a bunch (best quick dry ever). She's really smooth and gives me a nice giggly, creative, talkative high. Overall I'm pretty confident I caught her in time, only because I was really, really, reeeeealy looking for them. ...lol, maybe I stressed them out by looking for nanners

Anyways, here's some pics of her/him....

stupid hermie!!!!! I'm gonna steam dry half of you in the microwave so I can smoke you while I wait for your sisters
So 7.5 weeks flowering....I'm glad to be back home yet sad to see I have a mag def.

My fan leaves are yellowing and falling off the 2 larger girls

All I can do is try to correct the problem and hope they make it another few weeks with a few fan leaves intact

Everything is sooooooo crystally and shiny, the stems smell like a freshly opened roll of lifesavers sitting on a bench at a herb garden
Hope they make it a few more weeks.........1/2 oz seaweed and h20 only.....gotta check my ph next water and see WTF? I can tell it's just getting worse and I'm gonna lose my fan leaves
Not sure how much longer now.....2 weeks maybe!! YAY!!!! Getting excited to see how sticky it's gonna be when it's all cured.....and hope it smells like bubblegum cuz it sure does smell like cotton candy meets lemonhead, basil!!! OK, enough babbling.......here are the pics, keep toking it up everyone and thanks for sticking around