Atta girl Catt!! They sure do look pretty and it look like you got the hang of it. I ddon't think I would worry about the yelow leaves. I looks like normal late stage leave die off thats just happening a tiny bit to early. As pretty as this batch is they ain't got nothng of shorty and the gang. Bet they smell a lot nicer though, but lets see down the line if its any better in term of stone.

How big are your pots. Don't make me look back although I'm sure the info is here somewhere. Anyway it sure look like you have a lot of room for roots in those babies. I wonder but don't know if your yield would have been significantly better by vegging longer. I have to go back a read thru this a bit more. I have been out of the loop a bit and should see what I've missed. (didn't miss the good part)
Rock on sister C. My out door stuff in out but I'm looking to start my FJC indoors when it cools down a bit like next fall but I am going to upgrade before I start. BOTH kids will be out of the house and at university so it's all mine ha Ha. Are you using the AC? It's been pretty cool up there hasn't it? A couple of nice days but lots of wet cool shit. My pal in maine said they near drowned last week end and that it just wouldn't stop
Hey there my long lost pal! I'm always psyched when you stop by. I sure do miss the spring growers thread

Did they ever start it up again after the crash? Gearing up for some hiking next weekend and I'm bringing my camera so I'll have some (non) medicinal flower pics thrown in with my next update. Things are looking so green up this way, nature never fails to amaze me. I still like autumn the best though
Oh how I hate the yellow leaves....I was doing so good keeping them nice and green too. I know it's just natures way, but it's still ugly and it means they are getting ready to die

makes me a little bit sad. I feel a connection to my grows, and to all of you for being here to see it. I hate when they end

Makes me want to start another one right away,but I'm also going to wait until summer has peaked and it starts to cool off a little bit (maybe around the end of Aug) or maybe I wont be able to! Thinking of my next beans and which strain to do and how I plan on growing them. I'm leaning toward LST, but part of me wants to try and grow a pair of mega sativas. How do you feel about 2 maui wowie in the closet? I've always wanted to try the old maui wowie!
I don't think anything can compare to Shorty, Ladybud and Nitro! I miss them. My first grow will always hold a special place in my heart that nothing can compare to

but boy your right when you say the Bubbles smell better! They smell so unusual....I still can't really put my finger on it. I only hope they taste just like they smell (minus the dog fart) lol! I can't wait to see how the high will be, I think the 2 shorter ones are a diff pheno than the 2 larger twins. The tall ones have a real sweet, skunky smell, but no skunk in the 2 shorter girls - just pure candy!
The pots are the same as my first grow....the 3 gal. I most def could of used larger pots because things seem kind of tight in there. I'm gonna get a few 5 gal buckets for my next grow and try that out. I vegged for about 6 weeks this time around....wish I went a few weeks longer considering I vegged my first grow for almost 11 weeks and I think that is why I got as much as I did! I'm happy with the size of the 2 sativa dom. gals, but the 2 smaller ones better be some chunky, couch lock, help you sleep indica

They sure do look very tasty!
Sucks you couldn't get your outdoor stuff going this year

All that work you put in digging holes too

I'm ashamed I didn't get anything going outside yet....think it's too late in the season? I haven't needed the AC yet....not sure if I really want to anymore, this thing works AWESOME in my dining!
Congrats on getting the kiddos off to college

I look forward to that day almost EVERYDAY....ROFL! n it has been pretty cool up here....barely reaching 76 yesterday. Perfect temp for the girls...65 lights out....78 lights on! Except for those 2 days it was 90, I wasn't home to shut the intake off so it sucked all that warm air into my closet and roasted them for a few hours both days. Luckily it cools off real quick so it wasn't long....but just long enough to burn a few leaves and make them mad at me
It sure has been raining, but I like the rain....makes everything greener. It's the flooding I could do without. If I have to decide if I want to cross a river to get to work then it's rained waaaay to much. We've got another wave of rain coming tonight into tomorrow. It sure helps keep my rh where it should! Can't wait till you start your FCJ, it's such a pretty plant