I forgot something. Ohio, along with many other states (most states) have pre-trial diversion, which allows for you to never face charges in court (this typically comes in handy for first time offenders (drugs), but especially if it's a first offense for anything, (obviously not speeding tickets etc)) alternatively, the path most traveled after that is conditional discharge, which allows the judge to set a condition to set you free, such as the completion of probation for a duration of time without getting into trouble, and once the probation has been completed, either you do or do not have the ability to have it cleared from your record, but as I said before, anything under 100g is a ticket citable by a $100 ticket only, which does not create a criminal record in Ohio as it is a minor misdameanor. the great thing about this is that overall dude, you'll be fine, until you start actually getting weight out of those girls... they are completely lackin in value and thus, risk, until they have some baby arms on em