Caught this fucker in my shower...


Well-Known Member
Well, if that's definitely the case and these recluse spiders have such toxic shit for venom, I'd probably be worried. If moving out is not on the cards, I'd be asking the owner to spray.

Your landlord should be responsible for spraying, shouldn't he?
And if he doesn't spray after you've asked, wouldn't he be liable for any medicals?
here's another fucker. you dont spray for recluse spiders, as the spray doesn't kill the spiders, and they can ingest the insects that died from the insecticide. spraying can actually create a food rich environment, causing mating and MORE FUCKING SPIDERS. I can't see how people live with brown recluses. i would never live anywhere where those things are normal.


Well-Known Member
i see a similar looking type of spider in my house all the time, i just let them do their thing

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Fuck that shit----I'll take a rattlesnake bite/scorpion bite/black widow bite--------but not the recluse--that shit can stay with you the rest of your life---I watched a show were a guy had three wounds like the thumb in your pic on his back--the bad part was that the guy had been bitten 7 years previous and he body would just break out at any time with those horrible wounds. Fucking disturbing shit...


Well-Known Member
I am honestly terrified of spiders, I have a phobia. I can't classify spiders and that doesn't matter, if the spider looks like it will bite then I'm out of there. I have actually ran from a spider before, I saw one while I was moving something in my hot tub. it was the size of my palm and I freaked out. i remember when i was younger i hid a plastic bag full of beer bottles by something, went back to get them and it was covered with huge spiders. i just left it. spiders...omg man get a fucking GUN


Well-Known Member
If it WAS a brown recluse, which it kinda looks like it may have been, it's probably a male looking for chicks. Very bad spider . . . drawn to sticky traps. They run thru this house late summer/now yearly. Didn't use to kill 'em (bad bug karma) but then daughter got bit, so now they're flushed as discovered. Toxic bite.


Well-Known Member
i couldnt handle living anywhere with shit like brown recluses i hate bugs of any kind im just thankful i live in a place with no poisinous species


yeah i didnt actually see anyone say it,

the thumb picture.. its real, its a real spider bite... from a brown recluse

]which is what i THINK that spider is

the brown recluse is one of the most DEADLY spiders known to man,,

you need to get some pros to clean that place out (so at least if you get bitten you have some one to sue to make you feel better LOL)

that guy got bit on his thumb and figured eh its a spider bite

the next night is when he when to the hospital and that picture was taken.....

one day and his thumb was liquified...
dont fuck with a brown recluse

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
fuck this so so so glad we have fuck all even remotely poisionus in the uk . but my biggest fear is moths , i hate moths , especially the big hairy ones ,


when i was nine years old there was a moth about the size of a bic mac

laying on the ground ants eating it

i got and touch it with the toe of my shoe and it FLIPS OVER,


ants still crawling all over it, i am paralyzed with fear.... god damn that was a close call that fucker coulda eaten me it seemed like