Caught wife cheating after 18 years of marriage

.....snip......Real genuine people seem to grow fewer by the day. I think its detrimental to the survival and evolution of the human race and consciousness for us to develop a mentality that is less self centered and driven by selfish desires for one that is loving, kind and compassionate. This world is in some serious need of change and desperately craves love and light. However its important to realize that true change must come internally within oneself first. Sorry for the rant. Just my humble opinion. Be good to each other people. One love <3

I think it is important to understand we are animals. Although we have this magnificent cerebral cortex beneath it we are animals with all the primitive emotion, reflexive behaviors and savage ways that kept us on this planet. We no longer remind ourselves of this truth. We no longer discuss appropriate social sublimation of these politically incorrect urges. Subconscious repression of our primitive emotions only ends in the reflexive nature exercising it's power beneath our awareness, outside of our control, forever blind-siding us and, ultimately, threatening our existence as a species.

We are apex predators. We are to be feared.

They say once a cheater always a cheater. A few of her own friends told me that that is how she has always been when we first started dating. I gave her benefit of the doubt though bc I see people for their good a lot of the time. Of course she played the victim card with me and told me how she had been dogged by her previous bfs and cheated on etc. Made me want to try even harder to make her feel like she was genuinely loved and cared for. Real genuine people seem to grow fewer by the day. I think its detrimental to the survival and evolution of the human race and consciousness for us to develop a mentality that is less self centered and driven by selfish desires for one that is loving, kind and compassionate. This world is in some serious need of change and desperately craves love and light. However its important to realize that true change must come internally within oneself first. Sorry for the rant. Just my humble opinion. Be good to each other people. One love <3

I fell in love with a man years ago and I dated him for 4 years. I was totally blind in love with him. He hit on every friend I ever had, even my best friend. No one told me, no one, I felt betrayed and humiliated. It made me look at myself and my friends. But I understood why they didn't tell. I told a friend once that her man was hitting on me and our friendship was never the same and it took her another year before she dumped him. I haven't seen her in years. After that if I had a hint of a chance that a man was a lecher he was gone. Thank goodness I waited and I found someone that I can trust with my life. It is worth the wait, I promise.
Yeah that sums it up. Caught her 2 months ago fucking my old best friend. He had just gotten out of prison after serving 8 years for beating the shit out of his girlfriend with a hockey stick. He also stole and totaled her car. He's spent 20 of the last 25 years locked up. Complete loser. Also ugly as fuck with lot's of scars from being stabbed multiple times. I can only guess her attraction is based on his being a bad boy. I don't get it. I'm a self employed somewhat successful contractor. I'm far from being rich but, I do alright. So 18 years I've never cheated or raised a hand to her. Anyway after catching her the first time I was in the process of moving out when she did some ass kissing. Started counseling and all that good shit. She boo hooed all night saying how sorry she was said it was a mistake and would never do it again She even went as far as saying the sex with him was yucky! So like a fuckin" idiot I stayed and gave it another try. Last week she started taking off, not answering her phone and staying away from me. I caught her up in a few lies and managed to get her to admit she was fucking around with him still. Needless to say i'm packing my shit had a big yard sale today selling lot's of my shit. I had 7 beautiful plants in my backyard some purple widow that were already 7 ft tall. I ripped them all up and put them in the fire pit. Figure i'm not hooking her up with jack shit. Fortunately I've still got a few nice ones deep in the woods nobody knows about. I live in the northeast and my family has a house in Florida. Nobody is down there until the middle of October. So i'm going to take a vacation for awhile down there. Not sure if it's for a month or all winter. I don't trust anyone to take care of the plants in the woods. I'm going out tomorrow and feed the shit out of them and that will be it till late sept when I come up to harvest. Hoping they still do okay but. I'm still on veg nutes and won't be able to give any flower nutes so i'm hoping for the best with them. Not sure if i'll be on the computer for a bit. This fall I shall return here after harvest and do an update. Needed to get some of this shit off my chest thanks to everyone whose ears I bent. Zack[/QUOTE

It really hurts doesn't it, no words can describe what goes on in your head and how heavy your heart feels, you go through all the emotions sadness hurt anger but it gets better in time. I think a lot of people man or woman think the grass is greener but find out in the end that is far from true. She will regret what she's done especially when she gets the first slap from him, but by then its to late even if you took her back it will always be in your head what's she's done so don't make that mistake. Make a new life for yourself find someone who will love you back through good and bad times, not all woman are the same so don't go through life not trusting woman you just chose a bad one this time Good luck for the future. ;-)
If you have done no wrong, then hold your head high, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that Kharma has placed a date with those that have done wrong.
Fight the good fight m8


Lot's of great advice and input guys. This really is a great place. Guess we'll always have our low life trouble makers who like to make waves. But, overall this place is still the best grow site on the net. Thanks to all who have helped. Zack
I say you murder them both. Let things cool down for a few months first though. Then do it and dispose of the bodies. Make it look like they just ran off together.
^^ lol other than the heap of evidence called this thread.

I heard this defense in Texas where guy walked in on his wife cheating he shot the guy and claimed he thought she was being raped, he got off.
^^ lol other than the heap of evidence called this thread.

I heard this defense in Texas where guy walked in on his wife cheating he shot the guy and claimed he thought she was being raped, he got off.

Did 1 bullet get 'em both? See that would be the harder point in the defense of other's claim. For that to work you gotta leave the 'other' you are 'defending' alive. Unless it's a wink wink nudge nudge jury but that's a 6 figure purchase today so bring lotsa cash for that defense.
Did 1 bullet get 'em both? See that would be the harder point in the defense of other's claim. For that to work you gotta leave the 'other' you are 'defending' alive. Unless it's a wink wink nudge nudge jury but that's a 6 figure purchase today so bring lotsa cash for that defense.
No he didnt kill her she said it was her bf he said he wasnt aware of her cheating and thought she was being raped lol Texas wtf.....
I think it is important to understand we are animals. Although we have this magnificent cerebral cortex beneath it we are animals with all the primitive emotion, reflexive behaviors and savage ways that kept us on this planet. We no longer remind ourselves of this truth. We no longer discuss appropriate social sublimation of these politically incorrect urges. Subconscious repression of our primitive emotions only ends in the reflexive nature exercising it's power beneath our awareness, outside of our control, forever blind-siding us and, ultimately, threatening our existence as a species.

We are apex predators. We are to be feared.

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So you're saying we all think with our dicks. Good one! Too bad we can't turn those dicks off or we'd all have more money than we'd know what to do with. I'm guilty too, just wish it didn't take so fucking long to learn this crap.
So you're saying we all think with our dicks. Good one! Too bad we can't turn those dicks off or we'd all have more money than we'd know what to do with. I'm guilty too, just wish it didn't take so fucking long to learn this crap.

That's part of it, yes. In this I was inclusive of both male and female. Homo sapiens sapiens females are some scary shit at the animal level. Suffice to say that women have a predilection to marry safe men and mate with dangerous ones. Look at some of the current research on the physiological basis for sex. They've mapped this one out. It's important to have this as part of the dialog that we KNOW we have this tendency and we can use that magnificent cortex to halt it and sublimate it and not destroy all our lives.

But my original statement was more inclusive than one sex or one area of behavior.
Thats rough man sorry to hear about it. I get the feeling my wife is cheating but i cant prove it. She will slip up eventually. Wish i could give op some advice but im in the sameboat and have no clue what to do. If your nose is clean you can walk away knowing you did no wrong. There is a woman out there that will treat you the way you deserve. Best of luck fo you my friend.
Willingly, or un..., we find ourselves in a bizarre matrix where crazy shit is normal. Those of us who don't agree have woken up to some degree. so if you understand that you had 18 faithful years, consider yourself lucky
I've been faithful for the last 18 years. Her, not so much! I know I recently just caught her but, he was out of jail 8 years ago and was living in the same town as us. So she was probably fucking the scumbag back then. I think it's going to be okay for me. I've got a good chunk of cash, an older but nice Lexus i'm buying off my mom that's down in Florida. A free place to live for a couple months in Vero Beach. Loading my truck with a bunch of surf rods and some freshwater gear too. Going to take a few weeks maybe month off then go from there. I decided to take my computer with me so I can still chat with all you good people. Not planning on growing down there but, you never know! Zack
You'll find some strange down here in Florida and stay here :) , great growing weather to boot. Sorry for all the bullshit you've been through, that's got to be hard. But there are like 4 billion ladies on the planet, your bound to find one that will erase your ex out of your mind forever. Good luck man!
Hey all quick update. 3 weeks down here in Florida. Hanging in there. Just placed a few ads in the local papers to find some work. I hit happy hours almost every evening. And I fish everyday. I still talk to my cheating wife once or twice a week. She's living in a sandpit in a fucki'n camper in east bumfuck with that loser.Seems like her world is slowly falling apart. I'm trying to be strong and am going to work on cutting communication with her. I deleted my facebook account yesterday. Need to not hear from her for a bit.
Glad to hear things are going ok and youre hanging in there. Cutting communication is by far the best thing for you right now. Hope you find work soon that will also help to keep your mind right. Best of luck man.