Caught wife cheating after 18 years of marriage

Glad to hear you really left town. I know sometimes its hard to leave a situation even when we know it is what is best. I went through this many many years ago and ended up in marriage counseling and all. The counselor said something that has stuck with me and was some of the best relationship advise I have ever gotten. I will try to phrase it so it makes sense.
He said. When you end a relationship it is best to cut ties completely. When you do this, you start to heal. It takes time to heal weather it be 1 month or 1 year. The longer you communicate the longer it takes for the healing to begin. Just remember the sooner you cut all ties the sooner you start to heal, and the sooner you become happy again.
It sounds like you are on the right track brother. Begin your healing, take those steps to happiness.

Good luck.........
Wait til she is all dressed up and about to go out. Then kick her in the pussy and ram a bag of dogs poo in her face. That should do it!!
This is one thing for sure..... YOUR happiness and ability to move on will hurt her more than anything else you can do. Sounds like she is on a path to misery anyways. Keep the sun in your face and the wind at your back. Walk around the shit not threw it.
My opinion on matters.

Zack from what has been shared it seems that you've done all that could be done, taking your wife's admission of guilt and understanding that we all fall sometimes, you worked at making things better. Your wife on the other hand seen this as a sign of weakness and not the true strength it represents and takes advantage again, forcing you to react in manner which contradicts your very nature.
To be betrayed after a lifetime leaves us with a feeling of hate and of revenge no matter how justified it may be you must not act on it, stop and think...twice.

To know that you were the better person is revenge enough.

This is certain, that a man that studieth revenge keeps his wounds green, which otherwise would heal and do well.