I'd say steeping 2-4 weeks and you're golden (for an alcohol based tincture) just make sure you use grain alcohol.

In terms of lotions/salves, I think I mentioned Burts Bees products. They make amazing bases for all of your cannabis infused body-products. I use the name "Burt's Buds" on my shit; any of you can use it too haha. I wouldn't boil the roots into a lotion, just use the good stuff w/ cannabinoids in it. Buds, stems and leaves should be great.
BAD IDEA!!!!!!
Do not soak for 2+ weeks! there is no reason for it! Especially if the person who is receiving the medication has alcohol intolerance, or if the medication is going to a child...
As alcohol is a POLAR solvent that is soluble in water, long washes remove plant waxes, chlorophyll, plant alkaloids, and even unwanted plant oils.
get your hands on some HIGH proof (150+) grain alcohol, ethanol, or methanol (by product of making moon shine) and do a quick wash... Much better quality and faster results....

Check out Skunkpharms, they SPECIALIZE in things like training people on the ins and outs of extraction:


then check out the Erowid archives:

This post solved my problem on what to do with a load of low-quality weed. Using QWET extraction on some herb I'd had soaking for a few days in Captain Morgan I made some caramel flavored hash oil that tastes fantastic and gets me ripped.
This post solved my problem on what to do with a load of low-quality weed. Using QWET extraction on some herb I'd had soaking for a few days in Captain Morgan I made some caramel flavored hash oil that tastes fantastic and gets me ripped.
thanks man! I'm glad to help!