Well-Known Member
I'd say steeping 2-4 weeks and you're golden (for an alcohol based tincture) just make sure you use grain alcohol.
In terms of lotions/salves, I think I mentioned Burts Bees products. They make amazing bases for all of your cannabis infused body-products. I use the name "Burt's Buds" on my shit; any of you can use it too haha. I wouldn't boil the roots into a lotion, just use the good stuff w/ cannabinoids in it. Buds, stems and leaves should be great.
In terms of lotions/salves, I think I mentioned Burts Bees products. They make amazing bases for all of your cannabis infused body-products. I use the name "Burt's Buds" on my shit; any of you can use it too haha. I wouldn't boil the roots into a lotion, just use the good stuff w/ cannabinoids in it. Buds, stems and leaves should be great.