CDx Life Presents MyDx - The First Handheld Device to Instantly Test Cannabis Samples

I WISH I was the gardener for these guys. I don't even live in the US. I'm Canadian, live in Montreal. I really don't care about your opinion and endless pecimism, as long as it stays yours. You don't have any proof or experience with this company and their people so why the useless bashing. All your doing is reducing my chances of ever seeing my $200 (US) turn into something sick.
If it was real I would not be reducing it's chance. The chance I'm reducing is people getting got, from a fraudulent group of people without even a working demo.

MyDx=scam vapor ware, say good bye to $200
Living in countries with the right of freedom of speech means that some times you have to hear people like you talk. But then again, this is not at all bad because in due time, I get to see you with your foot in your mouth. That is funny no matter what country you live in.
preach on dude, mdx=vaporware. even if its a real device itll still be a scam HEARD OF BAIT N SWITCH? itll be thousands and few years if it is indeed real. optimusprime= mydx cronie?
Living in countries with the right of freedom of speech means that some times you have to hear people like you talk. But then again, this is not at all bad because in due time, I get to see you with your foot in your mouth. That is funny no matter what country you live in.

I laugh at the thought of foot in mouth. You seem to have have a problem called poor damage control, often it looks just like this.

Cdx, MyDx is a scam. There is no product, simply ask specifics and the whole dog and pony show falls apart.
The only damage I perceive here is that someone from the company I donated to is talking to you instead of building me my device. You're right, me responding to you is damage control. Now the guys that made this device can go and do their job.
Why would they spend all the money on research and marketting if the device doesn't work. $20k is nothing to raise. They must have other sources.
Why would they spend all the money on research and marketting if the device doesn't work. $20k is nothing to raise. They must have other sources.

They aren't. He's raising 20k to pay his car note.

How do you not understand this? A current device that does LESS then this device will do costs thousands of dollars and are way larger. They are going to somehow miniaturize and sell this device within a year that will outperform current LAB DEVICES for probably less than a 10th of the price.

This is unrealistic.

You can be an optimist about lots of things that aren't going to happen. Use your head, this guy has came into the thread and hasn't even confirmed that this will ever see the light of day, you seem way more confident then even he is. Have you read his posts? Or are you just blindly hoping this is going to work without doing any due diligence at all? Hell we've fucking done it for you and you're still arguing.

Techonology advancements don't even work like this, period, that should be the alarm bell right there. In what sector does a device go from lab grade thousand of dollars to consumer product hand held and cheap as a pair of shoes in a year, all while charging your cell phone and testing for TB.
Well they've done it. It won't be $200 when they sell it. And if you've been smoking as long as I have, you would happily pay the 200 AND wait 1 year. You dont have to believe, you'll just pay a whole lot more for yours when it comes out.
The only damage I perceive here is that someone from the company I donated to is talking to you instead of building me my device. You're right, me responding to you is damage control. Now the guys that made this device can go and do their job.

You just proved my point without even meaning to. Someone with the brain power to deliver a product of this magnitude would have never come on here and engaged in the childish arguing like he did. He would probably be busy working in a pretty sophisticated lab (one that would cost a lot more than 20k). You are either working for the company or you are seriously stupid. Richie Rouse is that you?