CDx Life Presents MyDx - The First Handheld Device to Instantly Test Cannabis Samples

If I was rrouse I would be on here talking too. He probably has a lot of time and cash into this. The way you guys blindly bashing the idea, which I really believe will become something huge, just makes me wonder if you can see the big picture. If it works the way the video states, everybody and their dog would want one. From police detectives to organic/health freaks, this thing would be amazing.
I see this thing turning into a verb. Kinda like:
Friend: man, this is the best shit we ever smoked
Me: no way. Let me dx it and make sure.
30 sec. Later
Yup you're right, this the best stuff we've dx'd.
Ha, this is funny. Dude you totally are a part of this spammer idea. Joined to defend, check. Grandiose marketing language, check.
I see this thing turning into a verb. Kinda like:
Friend: man, this is the best shit we ever smoked
Me: no way. Let me dx it and make sure.
30 sec. Later
Yup you're right, this the best stuff we've dx'd.


Dude. Go away.
I should have ordered like 30 of them, then I can move to Colorado and open up my dream coffee shop with full service detection. They have a better hockey team than Montreal anyways, and the tickets are much cheaper.
Testing will just ruin your day.
Well I thought I was high but according to dx I'm highly delusional.

Stupid box said my dank was shit.
Must be broken
I just want everyone to admit that if this device does what the marketing video shows then its a great idea. You guys will end up buying it at much higher prices. The rest will be up to faith and matter of opinion.
If I was rrouse I would be on here talking too. He probably has a lot of time and cash into this. The way you guys blindly bashing the idea, which I really believe will become something huge, just makes me wonder if you can see the big picture. If it works the way the video states, everybody and their dog would want one. From police detectives to organic/health freaks, this thing would be amazing.

Ahhh, but you ARE Rouse.

All the people defending this have a January 2014 join date and it is only three days into January. Nothing fishy there!
I agree with you, but It's February now, bro. Lmao I want whatever strain you have.
Ahhh, but you ARE Rouse.

I agree with you, but It's February now, bro. Lmao I want whatever strain you have.

LOL! G13 Pineapple Express and Cum Laude. It really angers me when people try to swindle others out of their hard earned cash. I reported them to the FTC and I hope others do so that they get investigated.
I've already reported then as well to that site which runs the crowd sourcing. I've got other plans if they choose to keep it up.

They don't even have a legal entity for this "amazing game changing, replace verbs, mythical device that shits rainbows". Yea real professional, and if you are still convinced it's real, you have to be a fool upon reading this thread.
I just want everyone to admit that if this device does what the marketing video shows then its a great idea. You guys will end up buying it at much higher prices. The rest will be up to faith and matter of opinion.

You must not have read the thread. Every single person said that they would love to have this. I would also love to have a time-machine. Can I put a 200 dollar deposit down on it and expect it by the end of the year?

A time-machine is well worth 400 bucks, heck I would even be willing to pay a little bit more if it works properly!
I just want everyone to admit that if this device does what the marketing video shows then its a great idea. You guys will end up buying it at much higher prices. The rest will be up to faith and matter of opinion.

Every single person in this thread has said just that.

You can want the product to be real, but still be skeptical.

I have been waiting for a George Jetsen car all my fucking life bro, seriously, some shit that turns into a suitcase and you can fit your whole family in that shit AND a giant ass space dog? Fuck dude. Come on though, that shit ain't happening. Minivans are fucking Huge, and they aren't going to make one into a fucking briefcase.
