CFL bagseed rubbermaid stealth grow box (lst)

What kind of fertilizers or chemicals did you use? I have a lot of potting soil and numerous plant feeders and schultz plant feeders. Should i use those?


Active Member
i use schultz liquid plant food, and HESI bloom complex for soil. and im using just some reg moisture control soil and peralite mix (80/20) mix


Well-Known Member
have you done any flushing of the soil. it looks like to me like you lost that one because of nute burn or a salt build up.


Active Member
yeah i figured that, and i just started to lose another two this weekend so i started flushing with normal water. plan on flushing for a week or so then go back to using my bloom solution but i will only be watering with bloom every other water to try and fix my fuck up. I also went ahead and transplanted one into a bigger pot and added fresh soil, so hopefully it will work out.


Active Member
ok, so i have been flushing with ph'd water for the last few days and i am just thinking that i screwed up two perfectly good plants. thinking about picking the leaves off and and re-veging in hopes to save my blunder.... such a head ach


Well-Known Member
What happened man? You over nute them or something? Hope they aren't time release cause if so flushing isn't gonna do anything but make is worse.



Active Member
what happened is me... lol i fuck shit up and now trying to fix it. but out of 7 i have two going strong and two holding on to life. But tomorrow i plan on germing 6 new beans and sticking them in the closet and growing them out on a soild 12/12 and grow those 6 doing a sea of green. Cuz i have to have everything cut down and packed up and curing no later than christmas or i will be boned cuz i move to my new place january 5th.
pics to come tomorrow evening.


Well-Known Member
hmmmm I dunno bro you might be pushing time. I wouldn't crack anything on 12/12 that is leaning more sativa. Its still gonna be atleast 3-4 weeks before your first pistil sign. Just be careful with these last two man.



Active Member
i know, if i have any sativas imma pull them right outta the mix. but i am taking it super careful with these last two, at least i have two left.... bummer that one is a sativa, but it has already started flowering really well and has great alternating nodes so i should get a fair amount of grass off those two.


Well-Known Member
Ok cool. You aren't gonna use your good genetics for the 12/12 from seed though right??? I'd suggest sucking it up and waiting till you move for those but thats just my .2c anyways



Active Member
that is true, i love smoking sativas but they do get way to big for the area i have and not only that but they take forever and a god damn day to finish flowering.


Active Member
Ok cool. You aren't gonna use your good genetics for the 12/12 from seed though right??? I'd suggest sucking it up and waiting till you move for those but thats just my .2c anyways


oh no, im not using my good genetics. lol i got a bottle of bag seeds that i am gonna use for it. but, you are right i think i might just not add any more to the mix right now, prob just remove the failing plants and focus the lights all on the remaning two. :) that am i m way to tired after working a double today to even think about adding and moving lights around for new seedlings.

thanks for the 2 cents GFK, always glad to have your input. :)


oh no, im not using my good genetics. lol i got a bottle of bag seeds that i am gonna use for it.
Nonsense! It's cool to know what you're growing, but.. I've had plenty of kick ass plants from bag seed. That and I have a few buddies close by to swap clones with. There's no shame in bag seed bro! You saved yourself some good cash! Good job on the grow man!


Well-Known Member
Ya sounds good, you want your good genetics to flurish and be vegged a while to give you wome weight and some good smoke. Good choice on waiting.



Active Member
yeah, imma just grow the three good seeds in jan some time under a 400w HID and prob just grow a small sea of green with a few bagseeds using my CFLs. but imma def get a grow tent for my good genes and veg for at least 5 weeks before flowering