CFL bagseed rubbermaid stealth grow box (lst)


Well-Known Member
Ya ya you thinking about like a 4x4 or something? It sounds like a good plan, don't know where you live but make sure to have enough fans to exhaust that heat.



Active Member
i think 4x4 or even 2x5 would be ideal. yeah i live in tejas and i lease apts so i dont know if venting that heat will throw up a red flag . im trying to secure a apt with a garage and throw a tent up in that. ill figure it out... if anyone lives in an apt and grows using HPS, MH lights let me know how you get away with all that heated air.


Active Member
ok so here are some new pics of my grow. started with a good amount of plants and i have lost all but two now. check it out let me know what you think.



Well-Known Member
dang thats really sad bro, at least you still have two right? I lost all of mine... Gf killed em all :( :( starting over though on day nine of this grow doing well


Well-Known Member
hey do you still have the ones in the first pics? why dont you clip off all the dead parts of leaves cut it down short and re-veg? theres still green there it could come back


Well-Known Member
Ouch man, you need to think about changing your fertilizers. My advice is STAY FAR AWAY from name brand time release fertilizers ie. scotts, mg, or anything else like it. Pick you up some bat guano and some organic liquid fertilizers for next grow. I'd go with the smaller tent if your gonna be moving to an apartment. You could get a tent like mine even. I wouldn't do anymore than one plant at a time in there though. As for heat I don't really "dump" my hot air anywhere. The grow tent is in my walkin closet in the backest of the back of the house. Most of the time it just recycles the air just pushing it around in that 6x6 room. Its not the best but its the only thing I can do without cutting into the wall or making it obivous that there is something back there. Fall is here and summer is FINALLY winding down so we should be golden for a couple months or atleast enough time for me to get this harvest done and ATLEAST one more if not two before the heat is an issue again. If all goes well for me this fall/winter I may not even be growing during the summer next year. Who knows just gotta see what happens.



Active Member
hey do you still have the ones in the first pics? why dont you clip off all the dead parts of leaves cut it down short and re-veg? theres still green there it could come back
i thought about that but i do not have the time to re veg now. i move in dec so imma just finis up these two. the mystic should be done in another month and the sativa bagseed will finish... well it will finish when it wants to. lol


Active Member
Ouch man, you need to think about changing your fertilizers. My advice is STAY FAR AWAY from name brand time release fertilizers ie. scotts, mg, or anything else like it. Pick you up some bat guano and some organic liquid fertilizers for next grow. I'd go with the smaller tent if your gonna be moving to an apartment. You could get a tent like mine even. I wouldn't do anymore than one plant at a time in there though. As for heat I don't really "dump" my hot air anywhere. The grow tent is in my walkin closet in the backest of the back of the house. Most of the time it just recycles the air just pushing it around in that 6x6 room. Its not the best but its the only thing I can do without cutting into the wall or making it obivous that there is something back there. Fall is here and summer is FINALLY winding down so we should be golden for a couple months or atleast enough time for me to get this harvest done and ATLEAST one more if not two before the heat is an issue again. If all goes well for me this fall/winter I may not even be growing during the summer next year. Who knows just gotta see what happens.

yeah imma change it up next go around, and mof def get some guano, and some organic liquid and i was thinking about only growing one plant at a time and maybe still growing a few reg bagseeds in the closet at the new spot... just so i have some good smoke for me and some to make that money off of :)
thanks for the advice GFK.


Active Member
ii stopped the bloom solution for the last week and just flushed with ph'd water to try and keep a salt build up for fucking it all up but i will be adding the bloom solution back to the watering cycle next week.


Active Member
ok, so i decided to throw 4 more sprouts into the mix. i germed them friday evening using paper towles and sat afternoon they had sprouted tails and were ready to be planted. i planted them with just plain garden soil and peralite in a 4in pot. Once i had them in the dirt i through them under the light and just a few hours later they had broke ground and shead their shell and now just waiting for the first set of true leaves :)

This will be now call my "Crictical Mass" grow.... lol seeing that i have 98 days exactly to grow start to finish on these 4 new plants.... they are just reg bag seeds but the bag they came in, the green was epicly good for bagweed. so lets hope atleast 3 of them are fem. i will not be adding bloom solution to them, just organic plant food. they will be grown out on 12/12. pics to come tonight!


Active Member
ok so i said i was gonna post new pics sunday night... but i have been working doubles... but i will update this week, once i sleep.


Active Member
ok here are the pics of the new addition. i germed 8 seeds friday afternoon. planted them sat afternoon. (26 hours after germ. i was stoked) and sunday that all had shead their shells and three of 4 now have first set of leaves. so here are pics.



Active Member
well... one of them just died,

the other sativa is doing well. filling in slowly but living....

thats why i added the new 4 plants, hopinh ther are fem.