CFL grow Nirvana AK48


Well-Known Member
hi guys im still having problems with the droopy plant, both plants are being cared for in the exact same way.

the droopy one is the plant which is the most developed but has slowed right down about growing higher, but the non droopy one is still growing higher?

does any one have an idea what could be wrong with my girl, lots of +reps

any way heres an update of pics

this pic show both plants so u can see the difference

the droopy girl

non droopy girl

and a couple bud shots



Well-Known Member
sorry if im getting carried away but for the guys that have been following my grow heres some more pics.

any more thoughts about the droopy girl???



Well-Known Member
damnnnnn.. i like this journal. those plants arent looking NICE!! im plannin on ordering seeds from nirvana soon.. i wanted to get WHite Widow.. but i heard their white widow isnt that good...? idk. but ask-48 was on my list of back up seeds.. soo its good i can get to see them grow!! but soo far they look awsome. theyre REALLY REALLY green!! im jealous!! lol. deff subscribing to this one.. keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
and PS... i LOVE that you put pics up all the time.. thats the best part about your thread.. cuz the pics you take are great.. i could look at the pics you take for hours..


Active Member
V nice tam :-) I always found with the Nirvana AK's that there were two very distinct phenotypes, one taller and more sativa looking and 'the other bushier with fatter Indica fans and it looks to me like you have both there!

Looking at the health and vigour of those tops tam I wouldnt worry too much about a little lower drooping (ooh errr missus :-)
its the bushier one thats drooping right?

Looking good there my friend, got a planned harvest target date in mind yet? I found you could take those 9 weeks for a good finish. Going to be good mate.


Active Member
mate the droopy girl looks just as healthy as the non droopy girl, i think she is fine i cant see anything wrong, mayb shes jus growing different to the other 1, mayb a slight difference in the soils/micro life ect between pots, i wouldnt worry she looks absolutly fine!! if the leaves start changing colour or anything major then i would start to panic but until then its just the way the cookie is crumbling!!!!! :weed:


Hello again, borrowed my brothers dongle for a quick look, good stuff! The girls are looking great. Keep it up. Cheers


Well-Known Member
hi RIU thanks for all the comments people

hey MS the droopy girl just doesnt look all that happy down below. im sure shes fine as you said shes all green and healthy.

and as for the different phenotypes that all adds up, the indica would start flowering sooner than the sativa type and would be shorter and have the fatter leaves.

as for the sativa type im going to have to start tying her down in a day or two shes growing very quickly. and the droopy girls buds are bulking up very quickly

main thing is that everything seems to be going well and im well on my way to some quality home grown!! :joint:

im not going to post pictures for a few days so when i do you will all see a big difference, i will post some more saturday

any way thanks everyone talk soon


Well-Known Member
oh yeah and what are your thoughts on using the 6400k bulbs all the way?

im going to give it a shot and maybe add more bulbs to the undrerside of the plants soon

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
Dude those plants look great I'm also growing AK48s from Nirvana ! I'm a bit behind you can't wait to see some buds myself..Keep it up your almost home


Well-Known Member
evening tam, 6400k all the way will work just that you would have higher yield switching to 2700k for flower, the exact same as my grow but opposite if that makes sense lol!
I'm also growing ak48s and I am 3 weeks into vegging/seedling whatever it is since you planted. I've just read your entire thread and its inspired me man. Seeing it from start to (almost) finish is quality. Any ways keep up the posts mate I wanna see some phat buds hanging home to dry at the end of this little adventure. Peace


Well-Known Member
hi guys and thanks again for all the positive comments it make me feel like im doing well.

and im sorry for not writing something back to each of you that comment im lazy and have normally had a hard 12 hours at work.

any way io wasnt going to post anypics until tomorrow but i cant help my self



Well-Known Member
hello again RIU, i have decided to remove one of the big bulbs and replaced with 2600k bulbs 8 of them and they are 23w.

should help out those buds


ol hippy

Well-Known Member
Lookin good todays the end of the first wk of flowering , as soon as the lights go on this morning I want to check and see if the last one is female ! so far 4 out of 6 !! makes me happy, flowers look great Tamjam !! well both be smokin some home grown soon !!