CFL indoor stretching before Hawaii Short Season


Active Member
here in hawaii we are lucky enough to have two growing seasons. around halloween our short season starts. if you were to start seedlings at this time your gunna end up with 1-2 ft plants so this is why I start plants early under CFLs to get them bigger before going outside =)

Here we go...... the biggest one shown is a strain called Alaskan Thunderfuck. The smaller plants are all either white widow or diesel.

All comments welcome!



Active Member
nice plant man... looks like its gonna be a beauty... also how long is the short season in Hawaii? i never even heard about that... but im from europe and there are plenty of weird seasons and times there...


Active Member
nice plant man... looks like its gonna be a beauty... also how long is the short season in Hawaii? i never even heard about that... but im from europe and there are plenty of weird seasons and times there...
Thanks a lot bro!
The short season goes from late october to late dec, early jan as i recall but some other hawaiians might argue that it goes longer....either way if your not starting em inside and lettin em stretch out a bit before goin outside you arnt gunna maximize your short season yield.

whereabouts in euro you from bro?


Active Member
Im going to keep that big alaskan thunderfuck as a mother if it is indeed a female. cant tell yet although its more bushy and branching out so im keeping fingers crossed. anyone ever try this alaskan thunderfuck strain? i hear only good about it but id like some other opinions if anyones out there......


Well-Known Member
lovely set- up.,.,.,and lovely strains.,.,cant go wrong.,.,does cali(socal) have a season of sorts .,.,were not far from u


Active Member
Doctor G! thanks for stopping by!
Sup Cb2Hund, im not sure about so cal but im pretty sure it gets to cold and not enough sun in winter? im sure you could put plants that are being grown inside outside if the suns shining but im sure someone else could elaborate much more on that subject. all i know is that in hawaii we get two seasons!


Active Member
Update: Put the Alaskan Thunderfuck outside to determine sex before taking cuttings. The other pic is showing the progress on the White widow babies.
Also im really stoked on the news about Medical mary today....apparently obama is gunna stop the senseless FED raids on law abiding MM patients :clap: theres a start

God bless you all:leaf:




Active Member
Im glad to have Dr.Greenhorn as a friend.... he seems the only one interested :oops:

maybe these shots will help?

haha I love everyone on RIU anyway


pic of part of the setup & i trans planted the WW and the ATF



Active Member
nice and green, looks good brah!
got a couple more pics to share
the smaller plant is the WW & bigger ATF
also most of the baby white widows not pictured here just got their first 3 finger leafs! haha Cannabis is by far the most interesting plant whether its its in veg or bloom it never stops amazing me :leaf:
Thank you Jesus


Active Member
got a couple more pics to share
the smaller plant is the WW & bigger ATF
also most of the baby white widows not pictured here just got their first 3 finger leafs! haha Cannabis is by far the most interesting plant whether its its in veg or bloom it never stops amazing me :leaf:
Thank you Jesus
3 stages of baby white widow



Well-Known Member
check 1, check 2 *this is your captain speaking* almost ready for blast off flyn.,.,lol.,.,ishin is lo0kin go0d.,.,should be a lovely season


Active Member
Ahaaaaha cb two huned!!!! Im a fan of your opinion on other threads you have voiced ur opinion on. Thx for stoppn by i thought i was only talkn to God on this thread, but thats cool too :)
thx for da kind words cap'n


Active Member
your plants look healthy! white widow is my favorite strain, i want to live in hawaii!
Thanks punker! If you stick around you will see the full growth of the White wid as well as duckfoot & alaskan thunderfuck, also im germing a local cross strain called "the carrots"
ill be updating in a day or two with more pic of growth & the setups
one love


Well-Known Member
Hey Flyn low! Lovely setup you have! i wish i lived in Hawaii! its good to hear Obama is leavin the medical users alone, he should be more worried about the drug lords who sell for other means ie gangs guns ect...
I'll be dropping by every few days so be sure to keep us updated!