I didn't have time to read all other comments in the thread so i'll answer to OP's question only and not debate others' opinions.
3x3= 9 square feet. You will need about 5000 lumen per square foot for the plants to flourish. A tipical CFL outputs about 1200-1500 lumens. You can get bigger ones that give out more lumens but they are generally more expensive.
You will need tons of CFL for 3x3
Try going for a scrog and just make a screen of cfls 3 inches apart from eachother and 6 inches away from the screen. keep the plants close to the lights until they get bigger and can be scrogged.
That's what i would do.
IMHO, 3x3 is too big to CFL grow it. Get a HPS of 250w and you will be fine, also it's more efficient energy wise and the buds grow tighter than Ariel Rebel.
edit :
Look, CFL's give off about 50-70 lumens per watt of energy consumed (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compact_fluorescent_lamp#Energy_efficiency ), you can use this to calculate how much lighting you want and how many lights to get.