CFL Wrap Around


Active Member
I just harvested my 'topped' Shiva plant @ just under 8 weeks of flowering.

I just weighed this plant dry, and it came at 8.5 grams. Which is not bad considering I'm growing multiple smaller plants with 2-4 week veg period instead of waiting for a long veg periods to finnish.
Now that I see some of my other plants main colla's, I'm not so convinced topping did give me more bud with this plant.

So I'm still going for 2oz's with my 7 small/medium sized plants. My first 2 Shivas have granted me 5.5 + 8.5 = 14 grams, and I have 5 plants left to make 42 grams.



Well-Known Member
this is what i've seen with many growers, in the end the yield difference between topping and not topping seems small
seems the setup is a big determiner of how well topping may work for you
but it's a good grow northwest, the tally is adding up


Active Member
Here's my yougest Shiva plant which has been in flowering 7 weeks now. Started from seed, it took a bit longer than my other Shiva's which were started from clones. The plant is a woppin 10" so I don't expect a huge yield, but there's a good colla anyways, and it will only get bigger.



Active Member
This plant stretched like crazy, lost all it's fan leaves, but magically it's buds grow larger each day. It's a 50/50 indica, sativa cross, and I have to ay I'm very impressed with this plant.

It's been through hell and back, in a hand basket and looks like it could be a my heaviest yielding plant from this crop. Theres about 8 pairs of buds along the stem which are like the pair shown in the close up, then there an impressive colla on top too. Can't wait to smoke this puppy cause it'll be first time smokin my own strain.:weed:



Active Member
I harvested 1 of 2 Shiva plants today. It had just over 8 weeks of flowering, and it's a very small plant. I was actually kinda amazed it's possible to grow plants this small, without it being a lowryder. The bud looks amazing, quite possibly the best looking bud I've ever grown. It weighs 11.5 wet, so I'm thinking it will be around 4 or 5 grams dry.



Active Member
I've been pretty busy lately and haven't had much time for posts. I harvested another plant which looked healthy enough but didnt seem to be budding very rapidly since the heat wave. My last 2 plants have yielded only 4.5 grams each, bringing my total to 23 grams on 4 plants. I doubt I'll make 2oz anymore thanks in large part to that heat wave which lasted 4 days, breaking all the old records.

But I still have 3 left and they're looking pretty good. Although you can clearly see some lasting effects of the heat, but these guys have been budding well.



Well-Known Member
I've been pretty busy lately and haven't had much time for posts. I harvested another plant which looked healthy enough but didnt seem to be budding very rapidly since the heat wave. My last 2 plants have yielded only 4.5 grams each, bringing my total to 23 grams on 4 plants. I doubt I'll make 2oz anymore thanks in large part to that heat wave which lasted 4 days, breaking all the old records.

But I still have 3 left and they're looking pretty good. Although you can clearly see some lasting effects of the heat, but these guys have been budding well.
your plants are overfed try watering with phd water every other feeding...just my two cents..plants need very lil nutes u'll get it down tho good start