CFL's Hot?


Legal Moderator, Esq.
I just started a new grow room with CFL's. Im keeping them about 5 inches above the seedlings and am constantly getting heat burn. Apart from that the room is 15+ degrees hotter than the adjoining room. I only have 3 45W and a 26W 5000k in there right now, not sure what to do. I'm worried about stretching if I raise them any higher.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
I have a big fan on them on 4 hours on 1.5 off rotation. I have some computer fans I was going to use on a grow box I'm building but I'll throw them in there.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Ok I have 2 120mm computer fans that will be running 18/6 with the lights, one straight on one exhaust. They seem to do fine if they can get out of the seedling phase, I'm wondering if I should just seperate them and avoid the cfl's all together until they grow their 3rd set of leaves or so?


Well-Known Member
if you're seeing burn, it's not from those cfl's at 5 inches, either high air temps, or some other problem


Well-Known Member
WIth my seedlings, i dont use more than 2 26w 6500k cfl's and keep them 3 inches away from the top... You might have too much light at this stage, but that is my experience only, everyone is different.

Also, how many seedlings do you have under all those lights?


Well-Known Member
i use 1 14 watt @ 2700k and 2x4ft hoedepo florescent plant ge light thats doing great at 6-8 inches above them and cfl is farther over a jiffy seed starter n it rocks i through in a shit ton of old bag seeds in for fun and more than half sprouted on a 5 tray LOL its day 2


Well-Known Member
You should be able to have those a inch away from plants with no burn after 1st week. I had a little heat build up with reflector on cfl, but no real burn.


Well-Known Member
You really should think about having the fan on 24/7.
Good luck with your babies, With CFL's the only rules are;
As close as possible withoutburn,
1"-3", as long as no burn.

Just guestimate and "read" your plants, itll be a little hard at this age, but you can do it.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
yea the only time ive gotten a cfl burn was when a leaf was actually touching. that part was crispy, and 1cm away was perfectly green still. its all about keeping the air fresh and cool.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Yeah I have 3 fans in there, 1 full time and 2 on the 18/6 timer. It's a closet grow and the temp in there is 85. I've started switching to lesser watt bulbs, I think they might be part of the problem I have 4 plants at about 3 weeks on their 4-5th set of leaves and 4 45W bulbs on them. I'm thinking of taking an 85W and putting it in the middle and dumping the others.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
For my next batch I built a grow box out of a 4 gallon tote I got at ace hardware with 4 13W bulbs that I'm gonna just keep them in rockwool and keep them in there while they grow. I have an intake and exhaust fan on them too and mylar coating. I think they were just getting so hot the bulbs were just the straw that broke the camel's back, but I took out a few bulbs and my crispiest plant now has 3 sets of very healthy leaves growing in and the rest are fine.


Well-Known Member
home depot by me started carrying 100 wat and 150 watt equvalent cfls for $6-9 as well as led lightbulb replacements but those are light 25-45$ i just moved my babies under the 1000 @ 60%-75% mh they had their 1st set of leaves and after 3 days are onto their 3rd my phantom ballast isnt black tho its just metal so its prob a refurb i figure