I have my ideas of who I will vote for next election and its the same thing as always .You have to look and see which of the available choices has the most things in common with what you want. Hilary also stated she would bring the troops home immediately if elected over an established time table.I will definately vote republican as the republican party is the stronger party as far as the countries self preservation.I have a perfect platform in mind but non canidate fits it as I am more of a moderate republican then a hard core conservative. I want closed borders and permianat illegal alien stopage.Secured borders at any cost, Im pro choice and an athiests and would like religion ban from all public view.If you gotta do it do it at your own home as it causes much more trouble then its preventing.I believe in strengthening our miltary to the levels during the Reagan years, I believe in trickle down economics and that affirmitive action as defined needs to be scrapped and redone.I believe in non inprisonment and low level fines for marijuana.Dont legalize it as it would ummm not help those who make rent if it was.Our money is controled by how much we as people think it is actually worth since our currency in the us is no longer truely backed by federal reserve gold as we do not have enough true gold on hand to back each dollar we have in circulation (in god we trust or at least hope lol).Elections dont always mean much as the people dont reeally get a vote for president our electoral college makes the call not the people unless you wanna go down stream and say we the people vote our reps and senators into place who decide what we would want for a president.So give me a great milatary to protect and deter an enemy, let us decide to have a kid or not,kill illegal aliens and those who enter our country illegally, fuck foreign countries who dont help back (ie France and mexico) kill nafta(Big Bush error), and start putting tarrif taxes on all imports by countries who tariff our exports into thier country (ie japan,china,).And let keep weed is reason.Have an age limit, stop inprisonment and dont be a dick about it.If you look at it not 1 potential canidate has all those so I gotta choose.Romney is a mormon nut but has good ideas but that aint gonna work,Guiliani has a bunch of good ideas and showed he can cope but damn he is hard on weeed,Hilary well thats a wack job, Obama isnt ready and is to nieve to be a good president plus he has Ophrah backing him so he's out, in actuality I want Collen Powell but he's not an option.So we will see