Change you can believe in

Astonishing how it is so easy to believe that 150 million Americans are lazy and how hard it is to believe that 400 are greedy.

Not sure who said it, but it is a good quote.
We have folks in congress who can not even put a balanced budget together I figure the debt will be going up for the foreseeable future. The welfare state being built will take awhile to dismantle also. We have had a devaluation of the dollar to the point it will be worthless in a few more years. I worry about the opportunity that will be available to my kids.
i've counted over $1500 in tax breaks from legislation signed into law by the president. that ain't small change.
What you are really saying here is " I got $1500 of someone else's money, money that I would otherwise have to engage in criminal activity to get."

And people wonder how the deficit continues to grow and grow.
Astonishing how it is so easy to believe that 150 million Americans are lazy and how hard it is to believe that 400 are greedy.

Not sure who said it, but it is a good quote.
That is especially hard to believe since there are only 220 Million people in the USA.
What you are really saying here is " I got $1500 of someone else's money, money that I would otherwise have to engage in criminal activity to get."

And people wonder how the deficit continues to grow and grow.

nope. the EITC part of that $1500 was incredibly small, less than $100. all the rest of it was my own money that i got to keep more of.

thought i explained this all to you the other night in very detailed form.
nope. the EITC part of that $1500 was incredibly small, less than $100. all the rest of it was my own money that i got to keep more of.

thought i explained this all to you the other night in very detailed form.
Well I guess i could overlook the theft of a 100, you can barely eat lunch at a nice restaurant for that.
nope. the EITC part of that $1500 was incredibly small, less than $100. all the rest of it was my own money that i got to keep more of.

thought i explained this all to you the other night in very detailed form.

I hope you're not counting the payroll tax cut.