Change you can believe in

i've counted over $1500 in tax breaks from legislation signed into law by the president. that ain't small change.

Just wait till the first of the year and tell us how bad the muslim is sticking it to your ass. Got to love

And eric holder didn't sell guns to the Mexicans right. LMFAO
Just wait till the first of the year and tell us how bad the muslim is sticking it to your ass. Got to love

And eric holder didn't sell guns to the Mexicans right. LMFAO

Inside The Gun Smuggling Scandal That Could Take Down Attorney General Eric Holder



Investigations into a gunrunning sting gone horribly wrong are creeping closer to the top of the U.S. Justice Department and its head, U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. A congressional report released last month revealed that top DOJ officials knew about the sting, known as Operation Fast and Furious, in which U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) agents allowed more than 2,000 firearms to "walk" across the U.S. border to Mexico and into into the hands of Mexico’s brutal drug cartels.
As many as 1,700 of those weapons have since been lost, and more than 100 have been found at bloody crime scenes on both sides of the border, including the murder of a U.S. Border Patrol agent in Arizona last December. In a letter obtained by the Los Angeles Times yesterday, Justice Department officials acknowledged that Fast and Furious weapons have been linked to at least 11 other crimes in the U.S

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Unfortunately this is nothing new it seems this is just bussiness as usual. Different atty gen. same old tricks that have gone on for decades. Our government has been playing both ends of the drug war throughout many administrations.
In all fairness, he is still better than most candidates and has been great for this country. I feel that he tried. He did great on the economy too, judge a tree by it's fruit. It took longer than he wanted but at least we are out of Iraq now and he indicates that we will be pulling them out of A-stan as well

In all fairness, he is still better than most candidates and has been great for this country. I feel that he tried. He did great on the economy too, judge a tree by it's fruit. It took longer than he wanted but at least we are out of Iraq now and he indicates that we will be pulling them out of A-stan as well

The timing of it all seems very convenient though, doesn't it?
The timing of it all seems very convenient though, doesn't it?

I won't be sad if he wins. I noticed 4 years ago that we were ending 8 years of the worst president in history who happened to be a white republican and that a black democrat who's slogan was change you can believe in was probably the most popular president in several decades. I also notice how biased most of his opposition is. There are two key things to look at IMO. 1) Beware the sound of one hand clapping, if there is no voice of dissent, you are being slapped. 2) Don't expect too much, it is just asking for disappointment. You have to grade them with a curve and put them in order from best to worst.

Obama is a good president.
I won't be sad if he wins. I noticed 4 years ago that we were ending 8 years of the worst president in history who happened to be a white republican and that a black democrat who's slogan was change you can believe in was probably the most popular president in several decades. I also notice how biased most of his opposition is. There are two key things to look at IMO. 1) Beware the sound of one hand clapping, if there is no voice of dissent, you are being slapped. 2) Don't expect too much, it is just asking for disappointment. You have to grade them with a curve and put them in order from best to worst.

Obama is a good president.
lol what the hell?
I won't be sad if he wins. I noticed 4 years ago that we were ending 8 years of the worst president in history who happened to be a white republican and that a black democrat who's slogan was change you can believe in was probably the most popular president in several decades. I also notice how biased most of his opposition is. There are two key things to look at IMO. 1) Beware the sound of one hand clapping, if there is no voice of dissent, you are being slapped. 2) Don't expect too much, it is just asking for disappointment. You have to grade them with a curve and put them in order from best to worst.

Obama is a good president.

I agree about Bush. But, I didn't like him for a whole differen't reason than you. I have to laugh at the part about expecting things. I expected nothing, but he promised a WHOLE LOT. The only reason some people expected the world, was because they were promised that.
I agree about Bush. But, I didn't like him for a whole differen't reason than you. I have to laugh at the part about expecting things. I expected nothing, but he promised a WHOLE LOT. The only reason some people expected the world, was because they were promised that.

Ron Paul promises even more.
I agree about Bush. But, I didn't like him for a whole differen't reason than you. I have to laugh at the part about expecting things. I expected nothing, but he promised a WHOLE LOT. The only reason some people expected the world, was because they were promised that.

In minneapolis some people are still complaining that they have to pay rent and buy their own gas.
Bullshit meter is going into meltdown.

a good amount of that was taxes already taken out during the course of the year, but i still owed about $60. i would have gotten about $80 back, but i was unable to claim the standard deduction so that my wife could take itemized deductions on her state return (which i imagine would net her more than i lost).

so in all reality, my real tax liability was about $140 if i took the standard deduction. but that's still $140 on someone living below the poverty line.

i should have mentioned we have no sales tax here, maybe it would have made it easier to believe for you. i can take pics of my return if you really don't believe me.