

Well-Known Member
im personally in favor of fireing squad, its cheap, easy, and very effective

gas chamber is a waste of time and money, lethal injection is to complicated half the time (you would think it would be easy but its not), electric chair is just dumb, and hanging, well that doesnt go over so well with the folks
Can't re-use bullets, Guillotine, all it takes is a little cleaning and you're ready for the next one. And while the executioner is taking time the crowd can throw rotten fruit at the criminal.


New Member
Supposedly in France, if your crime was particularly gruesome or heartless, you laid down on the guillotine face UP, so you can enjoy the sheer terror of it all...... how civilized those Frenchies are....

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Supposedly in France, if your crime was particularly gruesome or heartless, you laid down on the guillotine face UP, so you can enjoy the sheer terror of it all...... how civilized those Frenchies are....

out. :blsmoke:
I wonder if the head could reason that it was separated from the body or if the shock would automatically fade to black or whatever happens when you move on.


New Member
There have been tests done that have shown cognitive functioning after severance of Tete. This is one of the reasons it was outlawed....... although decapitation is still popular in Islamic countries, just ask David Perlmans widow.


out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Free speech for thee, but not for me?

You can be a really offensive prick when the need, as you see it, arises, can't you tips? :finger:

liberals love free long as its their free on the other hand..can shut the fuck up....sounds like stalin to me and i think we are ab out to have us a nice little stalin type revolution if these idiots are not carefull..i bet liberals are wondering why firearms and ammo sales are through the roof when the rest of economy is collapsing..keep wondering may soon find out what its all about....its a good thing americans believe in firearms ownership...what you going to do liberals when the whole economy is going to look to uncle sambo to protect you and feed you? i dont think so...just another point to ponder..thousand's of military officers have said they are going to resign their commissions on jan 20th....what do you think about a president who doesnt have a army that would fight for his country?maybe against it..but not for it...:bigjoint:


New Member
Why is there a thread asking about change when Obama hasn't even been sworn into office yet? Can we give him time to take over first? Bushie the kid is still holding the reins, or was that forgotten?

As far as the death penalty goes, if there is no doubt at all that the person is guilty, then they should be put to death in the same manner as they killed their victim. You shoot someone, you get shot, drown someone, you get to drown. If you beat someone to death, that's right, it's a beating death for you. I'm sick of criminals killing people in horrible ways just to turn around and cry that the death penalty is "cruel". Screw that noise !!!

If the family members of the victim want to participate in the penalty, then let them, why not? Criminals have more rights than their victims and it's time for that to halt.


New Member
That is the truth. It's those wierd right wing kooks that are the delusional ones. Believe me, I'm probably as well armed as any right wing "puke" in my neighborhood, and unfortunately for them, I'm pretty proficient in their usage, so the first idiot right wing white sheet wearing puke that comes looking for trouble on my street, will definently be in for a surprise. So Vi, have you washed your sheet yet,~LOL~.


New Member
That is the truth. It's those wierd right wing kooks that are the delusional ones. Believe me, I'm probably as well armed as any right wing "puke" in my neighborhood, and unfortunately for them, I'm pretty proficient in their usage, so the first idiot right wing white sheet wearing puke that comes looking for trouble on my street, will definently be in for a surprise. So Vi, have you washed your sheet yet,~LOL~.

I'm guessin you drink Chicory instead of coffee. :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I'm guessin you drink Chicory instead of coffee. :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:
Keep guessing. I have a few Ideas about you as well, none of them acceptable on this forum. But if you'd like I could send you a PM, even Better, just send me your address and I'll snail mail you my thoughts, you'll probably need professional help after you read it, well you probably already do, but It would definently exacerbate the symptoms, you know, delusions of grandeur, pomposity, assholeness etc.


Well-Known Member
:lol: Internet POSTURING! Med, how about some freshly made homemade beignets for breakfast? I have a batch rising near the fireplace, gonna fry 'em up in a few.
Can't re-use bullets, Guillotine, all it takes is a little cleaning and you're ready for the next one. And while the executioner is taking time the crowd can throw rotten fruit at the criminal.
Rocks are normally re-usable. I re-use them all the time. :D
I'm guessin you drink Chicory instead of coffee. :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:
:shock: :o :lol: LMAO! Fuckin' Cracker Jax! :lol:


Well-Known Member
He promised big "change".

He's adored by most. He wants bigger government and military. He's all over the media. And people got arrested for spreading lies about him.

Sound familiar?
This crap is absurd. I don't know who's panties your trying to get knotted up with this photo but it's an ignorant comparison. As an this a photo op from Iraq with George Bush in the car with Dick Cheney standing by the door?


New Member
Internet POSTURING! Med, how about some freshly made homemade beignets for breakfast? I have a batch rising near the fireplace, gonna fry 'em up in a few.
Sounds yummy, some of that NOLA cuisine eh?


Well-Known Member
Yessuh, it absolutely is! I made a thread in Toke n Talk if you want to see pix. 8) Beware, they are tasty and may make one fat(ter, whatever the case may be).


New Member
This crap is absurd. I don't know who's panties your trying to get knotted up with this photo but it's an ignorant comparison. As an this a photo op from Iraq with George Bush in the car with Dick Cheney standing by the door?

Brady, I looked at the pic and no, that's not Bush or Cheney, fyi. :mrgreen:

Has anyone told JohnnyO that Hitler was a vegan? :lol:

Sea, I want to be fat!!! I'm gonna go look at those beasties!! :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
what you going to do liberals when the whole economy is going to look to uncle sambo to protect you and feed you?
I'll tell you what they will be doing, Max. They will be sobbing, crying, wailing, shouting and screaming ... "But, but ... we didn't mean THIS!!!" :blsmoke:



New Member
Please folks, let's not get our racial slurs mixed up!

Uncle Tom - only applies to republicans :lol:

Uncle Remus - fictional african american character

Black Sambo - same as above

Uncle Sambo was WAY out of line fella.....

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
This crap is absurd. I don't know who's panties your trying to get knotted up with this photo but it's an ignorant comparison. As an this a photo op from Iraq with George Bush in the car with Dick Cheney standing by the door?
i think its a perfect comparison...:twisted: