
Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Wow.You sound a little angry.Why is it that the liberals have to sit through YOUR president's reign with a modicum of civility, but when our guy wins, you all are gonna shoot us and take over the country?Whose fault is it the economy is in the pot?Hm.Republican president, republican majority.........economy down the poop chute.
liberals love free long as its their free on the other hand..can shut the fuck up....sounds like stalin to me and i think we are ab out to have us a nice little stalin type revolution if these idiots are not carefull..i bet liberals are wondering why firearms and ammo sales are through the roof when the rest of economy is collapsing..keep wondering may soon find out what its all about....its a good thing americans believe in firearms ownership...what you going to do liberals when the whole economy is going to look to uncle sambo to protect you and feed you? i dont think so...just another point to ponder..thousand's of military officers have said they are going to resign their commissions on jan 20th....what do you think about a president who doesnt have a army that would fight for his country?maybe against it..but not for it...:bigjoint:
Whatever.I certainly won't be sobbing and crying, I'll be doing whatever I can to make sure me and mine survive.
I'll tell you what they will be doing, Max. They will be sobbing, crying, wailing, shouting and screaming ... "But, but ... we didn't mean THIS!!!" :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Wow.You sound a little angry.Why is it that the liberals have to sit through YOUR president's reign with a modicum of civility, but when our guy wins, you all are gonna shoot us and take over the country?Whose fault is it the economy is in the pot?Hm.Republican president, republican majority.........economy down the poop chute.

Whatever.I certainly won't be sobbing and crying, I'll be doing whatever I can to make sure me and mine survive.
bush is a socialist..he was never my president..he was just less objectionable then the other choices...the economy can be linked to at least 40 years or so of screw ups..i dont know where you would want me to start to point the finger..but mainly..i point it at people like you..who think there is a difference between either party that is remind me of a little child watching WWF and not being smart enough to know its all FAKE...they dont represent you FOOL...:dunce:


New Member
Bush is not a socialist. Bush is not a conservative. Bush is a liberal republican.

So Bush is partly responsible for our calamities, that's true.

However, it is Congress which makes the laws and votes on budgets and appropriations, not the president. Bush let Congress on BOTH sides (inclusiveness?) spend whatever they wanted. He signed practically everything.

It was the Carter initiatives in FAIR (Govt. backed) housing and perversion of said idea by the Clinton administration, which has led us down the path of crisis, all the time saying nothing was wrong.

Remember Congress? 8% approval rating? The ones we just returned to office to save us all?
Uh huh..... watch the birdie, you just got screwed....

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Obama is at least going to try to fix things, Bush is just sailing along, in his life raft, watching the ship he captained sink. He should be the first one under the water, the captain always goes down with the ship.


New Member
Yes, that's true enuf..... even if he didn't put the hole in the boat.

Obama can only do so much .. dump that good for nothing Congress and we might get somewhere. Let's see if Obama can survive politically having his party in charge. It usually ends in tears I'm afraid. carter will be the first ones to tell you who sank his administration, and it wasn't the folks across the aisle.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I'm glad Obama is looking towards our infa-structure and can see that we're falling apart from the inside out. At least he's going to fix that and create jobs at the same time. Now if only he'd make a rule that you have to be an actual american citizen to hold one of those jobs.........


New Member
Well infrastructure is the one thing he can do and bloat the Govt. payroll at the same time. i'd feel better if he hadn't promised to not outsource it privately. have you ever driven by a D.O.T. project? :lol: Nuff said there.... why build three bridges when you can just build one for the same money..... lawdy help us all.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
We had a crumbling overpass outside of town that was closed for 2 years. So yes I know about DOT projects.

Where I live it's hotter than hell in the summer and colder than fuck in the winter and the roads just go to shit every year. They've patched the patches on top of patch work so much sometimes the interstate feels more like driving over a plowed field.


New Member
In Germany the Autobahn is solid poured concrete slabs put together seamlessly like a lego kit. If a section is damaged, they lift it out and slip in a compete replacement. It must be extremely expensive, but that never stops Govt. projects :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
but the autobahn is the mother of all roads. Can't have giant potholes on a road with no speed limit.

Did anyone see the Yahoo news headlines today? Apparently Obama's smoking cigarettes is becoming an issue. He's being ragged on for not quitting. Hillary Clinton made a no smoking law for the white house during Bills administration. Now since Obama will be the president, can't he repeal that law?


Well-Known Member
In Germany the Autobahn is solid poured concrete slabs put together seamlessly like a lego kit. If a section is damaged, they lift it out and slip in a compete replacement. It must be extremely expensive, but that never stops Govt. projects :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
Those Germans... 8) Still, a bit socialist for my own liking. :)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Why is it that when challenged, the first thing most of you conservatives do is attack?Bush is quite obviously a closet fascist.As for my being a fool, are you saying it's better NOT to vote?Because that's kinda foolish.
bush is a socialist..he was never my president..he was just less objectionable then the other choices...the economy can be linked to at least 40 years or so of screw ups..i dont know where you would want me to start to point the finger..but mainly..i point it at people like you..who think there is a difference between either party that is remind me of a little child watching WWF and not being smart enough to know its all FAKE...they dont represent you FOOL...:dunce:


New Member
but the autobahn is the mother of all roads. Can't have giant potholes on a road with no speed limit.

Did anyone see the Yahoo news headlines today? Apparently Obama's smoking cigarettes is becoming an issue. He's being ragged on for not quitting. Hillary Clinton made a no smoking law for the white house during Bills administration. Now since Obama will be the president, can't he repeal that law?
Can't you just see Michelle telling him, "oh no you don't, take that shit outside.", ~LOL~ I can just see him smoking up with ten secret service agents surrounding him on the back porch. The snipers always aim for the cherry.