The issue is going too cheap, and the answer is going to be 3x 315 CMH or a 1000W DE fixture. There's nothing wrong with those.
I guess what I'm saying is what you probably want is the cheapest LED solution that is more efficient than HPS.
I have a very cheap option I came up with in another thread...where was that.
8x CLU058-1825 ~$240
4x HLG-185H-48 ~$240
8x Mechatronix IceLED coolers ~$120
Which is ummmm $600? I mean beat that, anybody. I dare you. This will be 800W, 130k lumens or so. At least 48% efficiency, 1900-2000 umol/s.
Basically a fresh bulb 1000W DE replacement for $600, much less heat, no bulbs to replace, etc. Totally killer.