Cheapest water cooling option

Im a fan of this or a converted A/C. Currently in the process of making a chiller out of a small AC. Frozen water jugs are a viable, arduous, alternative.

Hows the chiller conversion comin along Shugg? Getting ready to build one myself. Any luck? I know its totally doable!
Hows the chiller conversion comin along Shugg? Getting ready to build one myself. Any luck? I know its totally doable!

Very well, I will say I didn't do that good of a job on design as far as efficiency goes but it works great. Providing plenty of cooling for my fridge grow. Going to build another one for another project I'm working on. Will definitely improve design a lot on version 2.
Very well, I will say I didn't do that good of a job on design as far as efficiency goes but it works great. Providing plenty of cooling for my fridge grow. Going to build another one for another project I'm working on. Will definitely improve design a lot on version 2.

Yeah, turning out a store bought ac never screams efficiency, but its sure WAY cheaper than the alternative.
you could put your leds in mineral oil and then just use a small pump to circulate the oil to a bucket and the from the bucket back to the leds

or use a beer glycol cooler
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You are over building the cooling system 100watts is the cob input but roughly 50% of that gets turned to light. Not sure the exact efficiency of those Crees these days. You might want to check this out for calculating how many watts of heat you will be dealing with by factoring in efficiency.
You can buy the waterblocks much cheaper

A square aluminium tube 8$/m ,
fittings, rubber, screws and other alu-profiles 22$
heatexchanger (min.80L), hose and pump ~220$

that`s a basic 250$ equipment for the cheapest, most efficient***** watercooled led system,

if then you spend 750$/1000W in drivers and chips - you receive a 1000W watercooled led system @ 1$ / W lamp power and...
- worldchampion in energy efficiency. (~85%)

using the produced heat in your household (hot service water/heating) can be a fantastic buisness if you are able to invert these basic 250$.

- and able to mount 30m² of PV panels or wind power to produce 5000KWh / year ---(~6000$)
- and able to use 100% of your self-produced renew. energy with an "electricity cloud tarif" of your local electr. company.

- My girl and me live in a 100m² appartment
- we need ~80l of hot service water per day
- i cover this with a 350W lamp during May-October
- during winter i run a total of 1050W of watercooled led light to produce additional room heating and grow tomatoes, lettuce.....specially when their prices rise in the supermarkets.

So 2 persons on 100m² need 5000KWh to have additional electricity, hot water and heating,
weed and other crops.

Our savings every year (rising with prices for energy):

~850$ electricity bill
~ 1250$ for heating bill
~ ??? $ for 1kg weed + 8kg vegetables

---> ~ amortisation for pv panels&lamp system (7000$ self installed)) after ~3,5 years
then you start to do buisness for the next 15-20y ( ? let`s say 40.000$ ?)

the real difference between brown coal, oil and other stupid fossiles...
and smart, green electricity ...............
is not only a better maintaining a green planet with ZERO-CO²

it`s also one of our last possibilities to maintain the whole creation we know it.


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