There is absolutely an advantage of adding cfl's to the flower room....if you need some extra heat!
I really wish I could get back the $100+ I spent on cfl's and the 2 months that I had to bum/buy buds before figuring it out...Oh and the $$amount does not include trying to keep all those little heaters spread all over the place cool!
THE ONLY REASON to use cfl's is if you are underage, with no credit card, trying to grow 3 bowls inside of your computer case...Ok...if you are living off grid, and have plenty of solar and a gennie back-up...and it is winter...
CFL's produce less light/watt than HID lighting...where does this energy go that is not converted to light?....HEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CFL's are a hot waste of time, money and energy! They are great for lighting a room that needs no photosynthesis.
I got rid of the fungus gnats...but one is trapped in my monitor!