Cheese - Blue Cheese Dwc ak47 & D'Og in Soil 2/11

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Update wk 3 flower

The sick looking plant didnt get no better so it had to be scrapped can't say im happy about it but atleast it was the smallest one in the room . Theres now 3x 90ltrs at the front and 4 x113ltrs at the back of the room .Its due to change agian as i think its abit to crowded at the back, i've been turning some of the plants around so they can get light more evenly.The ones at the front got a slight trim the other as there was way to much bush on the lower level, i dont normally trim in flowering but these had to be trimmed. The dogs is getting bent back daily but it seems to be shooting up even more ... it smells sweet already..

I took a few pics of the bottom half of the plants :

Heres a top view

A few close ups of the dogs and cheese and some of the seedling .

:leaf:Dr Green dre

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Clean Dre real nice bro phucking jungle son dam gonna be real crazy soon lolz
Lord have mercy! they really took to the move well besides that 1... great job all around bro :-)
yep what whodat said!!!
Thanks for the comments guys .. theres alot of work with these beasts loads of dead leaf in the middle seems like they need to be cleared daily. I noticed some thrips running about so i gave them a spray with that neem oil but i stronger dose than before, it seems that the sulpher burner doesnt do much to the thrips.
Took a few snaps ,some better close ups and a shot showing how the dogs is going on.


dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Update week 4

Things are looking ok , plants are looking healthy smelling sweet. Temps have been a little high (27-29.c) since the suns been out so i've been turning off a light a for a few hours , i still need to get the de-humidifer but ive managed to get down to 40-47% with lights on by leaving the the door slightly ajar.

The male seems to be doing fine in the back garden, i thought it would of stopped producing balls outside as im sure its not flowering time . I might attempt to take a bit of pollen and add too the dogs.

The Breeze seeds still have nt showd sex yet which is a bit late now ,4wks in..

Heres a few pics:


dr green dre

Well-Known Member
:) i wish my CFL skills were like that id be saving a bundle!! I had to get something else for the thrips as that neem oil that i bought hasnt done much . i got some pryethrum 5 EC its a bit expensive £100 for this1ltr bottle ,add it at the 20 ml per 5 litres . Anybody use this before? Going spray again in 7 days as it says on the bottle. Took a few night shots earlier just after they were sprayed..

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
That pyrethum 5 seems to be working as i cant see any thing crawling around anymore and before i sprayed you didnt have to search to see them. It looks like al them seeds are fems as i can see hairs now, im not sure what to do with these yet,as they need repotting and there no space in here.
Had to tie up the plants at the back as the weight was tipping them over ,you can probaly see in these shots .
The 90ltr are drinking alot more now ,topping them up daily with fresh water and adding food when it reaches low on the E.c.
Its wk
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dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Wk 6 flower

The rooms doing ok , some plants are not eating as much as others , i;ve been checking the ppm levels every couple days and some have more movement than the others, the dogs didnt drop at all. ph is has been 5.5- 6.0 .

I'm starting to think these are a wk out or something as there looking a little riper than 6wks. The Dog kush is looking frosty , not real big colas but lots of small nuggs..:)
Adding pk13/14 next feed 2morrow and due to give them a molasses spray. No gauno adding again as its close to harvest time.


Well-Known Member
Wk 6 flower

The rooms doing ok , some plants are not eating as much as others , i;ve been checking the ppm levels every couple days and some have more movement than the others, the dogs didnt drop at all. ph is has been 5.5- 6.0 .

I'm starting to think these are a wk out or something as there looking a little riper than 6wks. The Dog kush is looking frosty , not real big colas but lots of small nuggs..:)
Adding pk13/14 next feed 2morrow and due to give them a molasses spray. No gauno adding again as its close to harvest time.
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Looking good as phuck DgD keep it green!

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Thanks DL..

I've changed the Cfl to the purple one now , not sure if it'll make much difference and i've got another Cfl by the back left plant, its perched on something to give some side lighting and to give light to the 4 seeds aswell . I took a few pics so enjoy , filmed some video in hd but dont know how to upload film with out youtube, any suggestions!!

Dr Green Dre..


Well-Known Member
Dam bro those things are starting To fill up nicely man. Had a question do u know what was used to make the DoG Kush? Between u n whodat n the rest of the 6Hundo club all I can see is I'm doing something wrong man. U Guys r killing It niicely. I gotta start putting some serious veg time on my plants n maybe even a Screen or something I gotta start seeing jungles like this. I got plant limits but damn I gotta get my shyt together great stuff DgD I just upgraded my other four to a six gotta get them. Poppin like so awesome man!

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Dam bro those things are starting To fill up nicely man. Had a question do u know what was used to make the DoG Kush? Between u n whodat n the rest of the 6Hundo club all I can see is I'm doing something wrong man. U Guys r killing It niicely. I gotta start putting some serious veg time on my plants n maybe even a Screen or something I gotta start seeing jungles like this. I got plant limits but damn I gotta get my shyt together great stuff DgD I just upgraded my other four to a six gotta get them. Poppin like so awesome man!
Cool Dl

I've copied some info on the Dog Kush below i hope it helps theres more detail on the first page of this thread and in the club 600 breeding showcase.

I'm honoured you put me in a class with whodat but to be honest i feel im i novice in the 600. I've learnt so much off this site its unbelievable.. Some masters at work on here you just need to find them ,ask a question here and there but mostly read and read again.. I've been growing for a long time before i got on here and if you check out my first thread you'll see some of the problems i used to deal with,off thaat grow i got like 13oz off 2 600 over 12 0r 13 cheese plants:( piss all .. that was cause various issuses but i would expect to get 1-1+1/2 per plant before.

I'm happy what im getting at the moment but the end goal will be to producing results like homebrew,whodat and heath(ha ha - im allowed to dream) and strains like DST,Mr west and Flo ... theres many others like jigs scrog tech!! off the chart..

Your on the the right path bro and your doing everything right from your trying to improve .. Less nutes .. more light more bud... good venting ..
Thanks for stopping by anyway bro ..

The DOG is basically a strain that has come from a female Headband that has hermied and developed male flowers half way through the flowering period. One of the unplucked males flowers was used to germinate an OG Kush female and provided a number of seeds that have all turned out feminized. The strain does produce, like the parent, some plants that throw out male pods. This is reasonably controllable and once removed tend not to return. Further tests are being done on the clone of one of the particular pheno's that produced the male pods to see if cloning removes this trait which it has shown to do in the parent Headband.

There appears to be two different phenotypes on the whole, one providing a longer stretching plant, and the other a shorter more tightly compact plant. Both have dark green fan leaves showing indica dominant traits, with extremely tight compact buds that glisten with resinous trichomes. The end result producing a weed that delivers nostalgic smells and tastes of bygone era's, as well as having the right power and ability to meet the needs of the modern day medical marijuana user.

The two parents, like the original Chemdawg strain of the early 90's,had been found in bags of weed that were purchased in a well known coffeeshop in Amsterdam,The Grey Area. Over the last few years the seeds have been grown out to produce the parents of the DOG.