Cheese - Blue Cheese Dwc ak47 & D'Og in Soil 2/11

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Update wk4

Things are looking ok in the tent but a few plants seem to have been stunted , im probaly going to veg it a week longer to help these get some size on them plus im going to add those other plants above , ive bought some neem oil to spray on them tonight so hopefully that'll kill all the bugs left. I was in two minds but im going ahead and putting them in cause i cant really fit another tent anywhere at the moment and i hoping the neem oil does the trick ,im getting some Diatomaceous earth as soon as i can it was recomendend by grower who's had similar problems.
I've put one of the smaller plants into a 20ltr bub which is going on the right side with the 5 20ltr soil pots. There only going to get 1wk under the 600;s before theyre flipped.

Heres some snaps :


Dr green dre:peace::leaf:

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
looking awesome, going to be some massive plants!!
Yeah everything is looking tiptop :-) they are going to be some thirsty monsters!
Thanks bro, noticed that one of these plants the dogs took the the e.c from 1.5 down to 0.9 in 5days or so , most others only droped by a few. I just need to get them all the same size,dnt like to varied sizes at the moment .

A friend whos crop came down came with some tough looking cheese full of seeds. I smoked what i could even though i took out 30+ seeds out of less that an 1/8 i didnt think the bud was strong it smelled nice but no real strength. Got some free beans to mess with now- its G-bud x cheese(unknown cut). He had a male and didnt remove it in time, ive told him to collect most of the seeds hes got so there should be at least 100 of these knocking about :) the seed fairy will have a few ..

I got some neem oil yesterday ,gettin the later today, not sure if this one will work as its for skin and has other oils in it, no instructions on it so im mixing it @1:100 , heres a pic of it.. i havent used it yet ..


dr green dre

Well-Known Member
I just found out that these seeds could be either G-bud or Blueberry crossed with cheese, im more thinking its blueberry now as im sure the g-bud dont come in seed or only fem, i dont think its a hermi .I've got 10 soaking since last night .

5 out of the 10 have started or have sprouted tap roots already,they'll be poped into some jiffy cubes later.SAM_5368.jpg


dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Only 4 out of the first 10 have taproots these ones have been put in jiffys,i've put in a another 10 to soak last night ,not sure how many i'll actually grow out probally the 3 strongest looking ones.
Going to the tent later so i'll have a few snaps of the Lemons ,Dpqs in there new home .


Well-Known Member
May the seedy germ gods shine upon your babies llol
Iv done gone ahead and got new supplies for another hydro system uh oh lol.

Good luck with the beans dre!


dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Update wk5 veg

I've switched to 12/12 today mainly cause some plants are going to be to big if i let them go any longer. The Dogs is a bully really needed its own pot if the roots werent so twisted together id seperate them but i aint about to risk any damage to it, the 90ltrs are doing great and the 100ltrs , temps are steady -ph and e.c are fine -1.5-1.8 ec and 5.8 ph havent noticed any signs of burn with these high e.c compared to last time when i was using the 20ltr buckets .
I've changed the blue cfl to red and moved them back to the sides (pics taken before) ,going to add the purple in the next 2wks .Trimmed a little the other day mainly for cuts , got to keep the Dogs circulating:).. thanks again D..
Heres some snaps:


May the seedy germ gods shine upon your babies llol
Iv done gone ahead and got new supplies for another hydro system uh oh lol.

Good luck with the beans dre!:peace:
Thanks bro.. Im like that to ,i keep buying more stuff always trying to get something else..:) yours a diy setup?



Well-Known Member
Yeah it another diy rdwc system, close to identical as my first one.

Your plants are looking fantastic and I hope you are able to keep up with them... Gonna be topping off your reses everyday it looks like, they are already big but they are going to be HUDGE!

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Yeah it another diy rdwc system, close to identical as my first one.

Your plants are looking fantastic and I hope you are able to keep up with them... Gonna be topping off your reses everyday it looks like, they are already big but they are going to be HUDGE!
Skribed Doc awesome grow
Thanks whodat, Dl.. yeah bro these plants drink alot, the 90ltrs need a to be watched alot more this time round. Hoping for some decent buds off these:) Might be brave enough to go down the co2 route one day so i can get some massive buds like that ak of yours!

Got myself some of the Dogs#2 today , for those that have'nt followed from the start this the other pheno from the seeds that i got that i gave to a mate to grow out mine are more the headband pheno this isnt the same but i cant say how it grows cause i never seen it till it was bagged. Im thinking its more the OG#18 pheno or i good mix of the the 2, and i got lucky enough to get a seed from the first 1/8 i smoked .Some dank ... Smell wise i think the cut ive got is better in bag and when lit but this one still hits ya hard .

Cool Dr Green Dre:leaf:


Well-Known Member
holy fuck dre, those bushes are going to be ridiculous! just exactly how many watts of HID have you got running in there?


Active Member
Hey Dr. Green, good fucking job mate! That last harvest looked HUGE, it probably already says, but how many Oz's you get in the end? and are you still growing the Blue Cheese this round? I wish I'd found this journal earlier. Keep up the good work, subbed and + rep!


dr green dre

Well-Known Member
holy fuck dre, those bushes are going to be ridiculous! just exactly how many watts of HID have you got running in there?
Hey Dr. Green, good fucking job mate! That last harvest looked HUGE, it probably already says, but how many Oz's you get in the end? and are you still growing the Blue Cheese this round? I wish I'd found this journal earlier. Keep up the good work, subbed and + rep!

Thanks for the comments Wow & Cannab... Theres 4 hps -2x sunmaster 2x grolux plus 1 150wt cfl supercool and 125 blue cfl (now red). I can't remember exactly cause i didnt wiegh it all at the same time but roughly about 40oz .I think the 2 wk made the yeild a bit small thats why these have got alonger veg, looking to get back to the 14+ oz a light as thats the most ive got off a single light and thats with cheese.
And im only only using vitalink a+b grow + bloom, root exl , superthrive ,vitabuddy and pk 13/14 for the hydros not using any of other products that i mentioned at the start .The soil plants are getting b'cuzz soil ,booster and bloomer - vintage bat guano and black strap molasses tea every 2wks . i have'nt been spraying any tea on my hydro yet which is probaly why it looks so clean at the mo ..

Nah ive binned the blues cheese this time , guy who gave me it said the strain got f##ked some how and my end product werent the real deal , i might go for it again some day..

cool ...:leaf::peace:

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
I had my first set back last nite.. someone got in my place ... Cleaned out my mates hydro tent .. at about 4wks in flower...what a waste .. Didnt mess with the big hydro cause im guessing they couldnt see any bud... Got a lot of options available not sure which i'll choose.. Its all in the game after all, like the the avatar says living the" High Life" has its costs and rewards..
Toking as i sort out this problem.. :leaf: dgd:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I really fucking hate thiefs. I would take stuff as a kid but one day realized that it was wrong and never did it again... So are you gonna truck on and beef security or closing shop? I feel for you dre Im sorry this happened to you, I hope things work out the best they can for ya Dre.
