Cheese - Blue Cheese Dwc ak47 & D'Og in Soil 2/11


Well-Known Member
plants and setup looking nice dr g dre sorry i dont no fuck all bout hydro, see you was asking bout different funky strains in the uk thread have you ever heard or tried a strain called tutti? is a midlands/south clone only some of the best tasteyest smoke you can get supposidly a 3way cross of bubblegum x juicy fruit x heavy duty fruity

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
lookin good dre :-)
plants and setup looking nice dr g dre sorry i dont no fuck all bout hydro, see you was asking bout different funky strains in the uk thread have you ever heard or tried a strain called tutti? is a midlands/south clone only some of the best tasteyest smoke you can get supposidly a 3way cross of bubblegum x juicy fruit x heavy duty fruity
Thanks man .. nah i aint heard of that tutti..sounds real fruity going to ask about it now..


dr green dre

Well-Known Member

I got myself some of the blackstrap molasses today ,ive been using the one on the right but it doesnt say black strap anywhere on it. I mixed some the other day one t.spoon to3ltrs of hot water and when i put my e.c pen in i couldnt believe it said 3.0 !! i never measured it before i use to brew it up with some guano and just feed straight as a tea, not again .Mate of mine dropped off some ladybirds so there going in the room later..


Well-Known Member
. I mixed some the other day one t.spoon to3ltrs of hot water and when i put my e.c pen in i couldnt believe it said 3.0 !! i never measured it before i use to brew it up with some guano and just feed straight as a tea, not again .Mate of mine dropped off some ladybirds so there going in theroom later..
Are you sure you measured correctly? One tablespoon into a gallon for me was like 85 ppm or 0.1 EC.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Are you sure you measured correctly? One tablespoon into a gallon for me was like 85 ppm or 0.1 EC.
Cool HB, yeah and it werent even a table spoon it was a tea spoon (i should of put that earlier) . What i did in the end was take out some of the mix with my 250ml jug and add it to bucket of water , id say it was half full about ten litres did that twice and the e.c was 1.2 or 1.3 . When i make up a mix of the one on the left i'll take a a reading and see what thats like.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Cool HB, yeah and it werent even a table spoon it was a tea spoon (i should of put that earlier) . What i did in the end was take out some of the mix with my 250ml jug and add it to bucket of water , id say it was half full about ten litres did that twice and the e.c was 1.2 or 1.3 . When i make up a mix of the one on the left i'll take a a reading and see what thats like.

:wall: Im an idiot , i dont know what i measured to get that high reading cause i just did a sample of each one -1 ts.spoon =3ltrs of water and the organic molasses came up at 200ppm and the other at 400ppm.? If i didnt just re-check it i would of swore down that i measured it correctly.if some one other than HB posted that post i would took it like an attack at me ... or my word , since i know HB to speak more fact that others i thought i'd check it as soon as i could . :idea:Nothing wrong with being wrong sometimes ..:idea:

I cant even think what it was now that i measured, which is not good cause it definately werent just molasses im thinking it was some of my soil food as remember getting ahigh reading after i added to much bloombastic but i took out some mix and added more water so im guessing that got mixed up anyway...
I'll be posting an Update tomorrow stay tuned...:weed:

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
.Update wk 8/6wk flower

Alright, its the 2nd day into wk 6 , ive removed 2 of the 3 plants that were stunted from there earlier bout with root rot only one looked like it was worth keepin, so they've been found a new home.
I think i need a de-humdifier , when lights are off its up to70 which i know will cause problems , i have to keep my exhuast fan on full for it to stay around 40-50% but that takes temps down too much. Its no problem when im using my input but thats rarly used at moment.
Rooms stinks :) i think its worse cause ive added another fan on them but it smells sweeeetttt . The Cheese in the 90ltrs are looking ok a bit shorter than i would of liked im thinking cannbis likes deeper pots than wider pots cause all the buckets are taller now and on previous grows.
I had various prolems in here low ph ,high ph ,nute burn but i think its all sorted now touch wood!!


2 out of the 3 seeds popped up but sadly they look to have stop growing . I'll try the other two seeds when i put in my next batch as the seed fairys been kind and blessed my with some gifts so stay tuned !!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
fuck me cant believe i've nearly missed this :( lol had a flick through the pics and ur doing good bro :) will come back and read through when i'm less stoned lol


Well-Known Member
This journal definitely doesn't get as much attention as it should, you've got a frickin field of buds on the go mate!

I've got two autos on the go, and gonna veg my OG kush 18, Trainwreck and papaya while the autos finish up. I will let you know when I get a journal going :leaf:

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
This journal definitely doesn't get as much attention as it should, you've got a frickin field of buds on the go mate!

I've got two autos on the go, and gonna veg my OG kush 18, Trainwreck and papaya while the autos finish up. I will let you know when I get a journal going :leaf:
Yeah bro ... I've seen baby cfl grows with more views than mine:) Im happy with the views /replys ,i do more lurking than writing so im probaly not out there as much as others . Got some good growers along for the ride and keep me on track:) so im good. It looks like im going to have to scale down this setup after this grows done.Too much politics at the mo but i'll have something else lined up by then.

Noticed these leaves on the blue cheese curling the day i updated the log, i checked the res and it was low topped it up but the damage was already done !
This plant look so healthy before i feel :spew: SAM_4738.jpg


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean lol, I've seen people growing 1 auto under a CFL that finishes about 3 grams go for 15+ pages, I don't get it really. But like you said, it's quality not quantity when talking about posters.

I wouldn't sweat it too much mate, it's horrible when you go into your garden and see one plant looking like roadkill but as long as you sort out the res, hydro is awesome for quick recovery. I remember seeing cruzers thread where all his plants were so droopy and honestly looked dead because the pump had broken and no water was getting in but after 4 hours they were completely normal and healthy again. I guess it's cause the nutes and water go direct to the roots and uptake is reallly quick.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
I know what you mean lol, I've seen people growing 1 auto under a CFL that finishes about 3 grams go for 15+ pages, I don't get it really. But like you said, it's quality not quantity when talking about posters.

I wouldn't sweat it too much mate, it's horrible when you go into your garden and see one plant looking like roadkill but as long as you sort out the res, hydro is awesome for quick recovery. I remember seeing cruzers thread where all his plants were so droopy and honestly looked dead because the pump had broken and no water was getting in but after 4 hours they were completely normal and healthy again. I guess it's cause the nutes and water go direct to the roots and uptake is reallly quick.
Its looking a bit better already, i removed most of the burnt leaves now and its on a ligher feed for the wk. This the reason why i wanted the RDWC so the res is easier to maintain . I dont think im going to do any more 20ltr buckets either the 90lts or look for something else to mod.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
looks wicked dr dg that is a field of buds m8 fuck trimming that, il help ya spend/smoke it tho lol
Thanks sambo ... :) takes a few guys to trim down that bush there.. Soz but got enough hands on deck but if i ever need an extra pair then....

As for smoking & spending goes thats not a prob mate :) I'll pm you the postcode it abit :-o Seriously though any things possible..:leaf:

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Update Week 9/7wk flower

Things aint looking to bad, i think ive got most of the previous problems in check so something else is bound to pop up.. I found one of my airtubes unconnected im not sure how long for but the pot had a white sludge type thing on top of the water and net pot, i changed res washed down roots and added a dose of microbial .
Sprayed the with some molasses and vitalink buddy yesterday around 0.3, im going to feed them tomorrow minus the pk 13/14 or the bloombastic as i've ran out .i think the v,buddy has enough p/k anyway . Heres a few shots , the Ak47 aint looking like the 8wk'er the guy claimed it was or the blue cheese for that matter, it could be me though .The rest are coming along nicely i think you see the two diff cheese types now ,ex and another.

D'OG aka da Dog

Some pics show a tint in colour its only the cam setting..
